Tristan de Martel + Aurora de Martel #3

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 You have been friends with the de Martel siblings for a long time. You value their friendship, and they have shown that they value yours. Yet sometimes they act strange around you. They look at a certain way, or say something that you don't know what it is meant to mean. But they're still your friends, so you usually just forget about it.

 Then a day comes when you have two strange encounters, one with each. In the morning you run into Tristan in the hallway, and he stops to talk to you.

 "How are you?" he asks. "Well and all, I hope?"

 "Of course," you answer. "You just saw me yesterday, Tristan."

 "Oh. Yes, of course." 

 You both stand there, smiling and standing awkwardly.

 "Was there anything else you wanted to talk to me about?" you ask him.

 "Oh. Um, no, I don't think so."

 "Right. I'll be on my way, then." You step around him, but stop walking when Tristan says, "Wait, Y/N."

 You turn around. "Yes?"

 "Would you like to join me for dinner tonight?" he asks.

 "Dinner?" you repeat. "Um, sure."

 He smiles. "Wonderful. I'll see you later, then?"

 You nod, and continue down the hall. It didn't occur that Tristan could have been about more than just two friends enjoying a meal together.

 And then in the afternoon, Aurora seeks you out.

 "I wanted to talk to you," she says, sitting down next to you. "Is it true you're going out to dinner with Tristan tonight?"

 "Am I?" you ask. "Actually, I think I...well, I don't know, really. Your brother just asked if I'd like to join him for dinner?"

 "Oh, Y/N," Aurora says, "What did you think he meant? He obviously has some sort of romantic plans in mind."

 "Does he? I mean, we've been friends for ages. Do you think he could like me that much?"

 She shrugs. "I don't know. But I don't think it's a good idea for to go."

 "Why not?" you ask. "I mean, if he is planning anything romantic-"

 "Well, I think it's a terrible idea," she snaps. "My brother can be rather cold, and sometimes a bit of a scoundrel. I would hate to see him do anything to hurt you." She rests her hand on your arm, longer than would be normal for two friends. "Just think about it. Please? Do it for me, if not for yourself." 

 You sigh. "All right. I'll consider all of my options." 

 Aurora smiles. "Good. See you later." 

 After she's gone, you start to think about how very weird your day has been so far. Was Tristan actually in love with you? Aurora loved her brother; why would she be telling you not to go out with him? 

 Then you start thinking about all of things you had forgotten: the looks, the strange coded words. Things involving you had been going on around you without you even realizing it. Could both Aurora and Tristan be in love with you?

 What a strange dilemma, you think.

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