Nora Hildegard + Mary-Louise

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 It's obvious that being in a love triangle is difficult. For you, being stuck in a love triangle with Nora Hildegard and Mary-Louise has made your life more difficult than you would have liked.

 You've known Nora and Mary-Louise for a while, and you like both of them much more than you'd be able to tell. You quickly began to develop feelings for them both, and they both like you, too. Given the fact that they also seem quite attached to each other, it's probably made this the strangest love triangle to ever exist.

 You hang out with each one of them quite a lot, and sometimes all three of you spend time together, but you don't usually since it's always a little awkward for all of you. They're both fun, so you try to spend as much time with them as possible. 

 But lately you've begun to notice some tension between the two women. You don't have to think to much on it to figure out it has something to do with you. That has also begun to cause a little tension between you and each of them. You think you're going to have to pick between them sometime soon, and maybe that will ease some of the tension.

 And that's just it: if you have to pick between Nora and Mary-Louise, you don't know which one of them it would be. You've become quite attached to them both.


 You and Nora end up going for a walk in the park together one afternoon. Neither of you have said much, and you're not really sure what you should say to her.

 "Nora," you begin, "I've noticed some...tension between you and Mary-Louise lately."

 "It's fine," she says a little too quickly. "We've just been...quarreling a little recently. Nothing to worry about."

 "But I am concerned," you say. "Nora, does it have anything to do with me? Because I don't want to end up coming between the two of you. You've known each other a whole lot longer than you've known me."

 You were going to continue, but you stop when see Mary-Louise sitting about ten feet away from you on a bench. She looks surprised to see you there, and you are certainly surprised to see you.

 "Mary-Louise. What are you doing here?" Nora asks her. 

 The other woman shrugs. "Just wanted to get out. Get some fresh air. I didn't think you two would be here today."

 When she gets up to leave, you hear yourself ask, "Would you like to join us?"

 Both of them stare at you, apparently surprised.

 "What? I think we all need to spend time together," you say, "The three of us. Let's forget about being angry and just have some fun for once."

 You hold out your free arm to Mary-Louise, who takes it after a moment's hesitation. She smiles at you, and you give a smile back. Then you look over at Nora, who still seems uncertain.

 "Oh, come on, Nora," you say. "Remember fun?"

 She smiles a little. "Of course I remember fun. I'm not stupid."

 "Okay, then. Let's go, shall we?"


 At the end of the day, all three of you lay in the soft grass, watching the sun go down. You're in between Nora and Mary-Louise, who seem to be satisfied with your outing. All the tension went away soon enough, and you all had fun together.

 "What do you think this means?" Nora asks. "All of that tension from everyone having feelings for everyone else, and then we all just get together and enjoy ourselves, like that's how it's meant to be."

 "Well, talk about complicated romance," you say jokingly.

 "Maybe we're meant to be some kind of trio," Mary-Louise suggests. "Y/N, it's obvious you like both of us, and we both like you."

 "A three-person relationship?" you ask. "That is complicated, isn't it?"

 "Well, it doesn't have to be," Nora says. "Right now, let's just enjoy each other and enjoy being around for each other. Then we'll get to the complicated stuff."

 "Then that will be hard," you say, "Because I feel like I was meant to be with both of you."

 Mary-Louise gives you a smile. "Then maybe you are. You never know, right?"

 You sigh. "Yeah. I guess not." 

 Well, you are all vampires, after all; you'll have the rest of eternity to figure out what exactly the three of you are.

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