Moving On (Milena)

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 Elena Gilbert wasn't sure what to make of Mikael Mikaelson. She'd just met him, and she already had the feeling he was a lot scarier than Klaus. But she didn't have much time to think on it; she had problems of her own, mainly Stefan and Damon.
 "You look deep in thought."
 Elena looked up from her place on the sofa to see Mikael watching her inquisitively.
 "I just had some thinking to do," she said. "Do you have everything you need to get rid of Klaus?"
 "I do. I've been meaning for this day to come for centuries. I heard you are the doppelganger he used for his ritual. I am sorry the boy used you for his plans."
 Elena shrugged. "Well, I didn't die, so that's good. Shouldn't you be on your way to go get rid of Klaus so the world can be a better place or whatever?"
 "I will soon. You don't know him like I do, Miss Gilbert. I've seen the pain and horror he's inflicted on the world."
 "And he apparently framed you for killing your wife."
 She thought she saw him wince. "Yes, that as well. But you weren't thinking about Niklaus, were you?"
 "No, I wasn't," she said. "It's just something with Stefan and Damon. It's nothing to worry about."
 "Miss Gilbert, I know the look of a young lady in distress. There's something romantic between you and those boys; that much is obvious."
 "Well, yes. I mean, I'm with Stefan. Well, not really. And I do...feel something for Damon. You figured that out just by looking at me? Are you some kind of Sherlock Holmes?"
 He shrugged. "I suppose I've just become good at reading people. There is one solution to your problem."
 "What's that?" Elena asked.
 "Choose neither. Pick a third option. Start anew. It is possible, you know." 
 Elena shrugged again. "I guess so. I could move on, find someone new. But I can't help being drawn to both of them. I know I have to choose one or the other."
 Mikael sighed. "I believe you missed the point of what I said. My advice to you, Miss Gilbert, is to leave both of them and find a real man. You are a young woman with a whole life ahead of you."
 Elena got up from the sofa and walked up to Mikael. "Have you ever gotten over your wife? Do you think you could ever move on?" 
 He looked surprised by the question. "Esther is the reason I began hunting Klaus. When he is gone, I will decide what to do with myself."
 "I think you started talking to me because you know how I feel, that it's hard to move on. You know that, don't you?"
 They stared into each other's eyes for a long moment, the hunter and the doppelganger. Then Mikael looked away and said in a softer voice, "I-I should go. I have a job to do."
 "Well, I'm going to the same place," Elena said. "We may as well go together."
 Mikael looked back at her. "Yes. Why not?"

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