3: Gender Predictions
Harry: "So," Gemma said, sitting down next to you on the couch. "What’s it gonna be?" She smiled expectantly, even though she had already asked you about ten times today. You rolled your eyes at her. "We’re not sure yet!" You said with a smile. Harry wrapped his arm tighter around your waist. "It’s too early, Gem." She stuck her tongue out at him. "I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you graduated medical school, Dr. Styles." Harry smiled to himself as Gemma continued. "Well, if you want my opinion, I think it’s gonna be a girl." "A girl?" you asked, thinking of little brown curls and big blue eyes on a baby girl. Gemma nodded. "Yup. Definitely a girl. I know these things."
Zayn: You were over at Zayn’s family’s house, deciding to visit them just because. You and Tricia were in the kitchen, getting dinner ready for the other members of the family. “Have you thought of the gender yet?” she asked as you cut up the vegetables. You smiled, knowing that this question was bound to come up at some point. “Zayn and I think boy, but we wouldn’t care either way. I love a girl just as much.” Tricia smiled at you. “Funny. All the girls think it’s going to be a girl. Of course, that’s maybe just what they want— a niece they can spoil.” You rolled your eyes at your sisters-in-law, always having goaded you to have a baby girl even before you were pregnant. “What do you think, Tricia?” She walked over to put a hand on your shoulder. “A girl. I’m with my daughters.”
Louis: "I think it’s going to be two boys," Louis said to you one day, cutting off your earlier conversation. You raised your eyebrows. "The babies?" you asked. He nodded at you. "Yeah. Two little Tommos." You rolled your eyes at him, slapping him playfully. "I can barely take care of you, you want me to try two others? Besides, it’s going to be two girls." "Noo!" he said. "Just this once, I’m right. Boys." "Girls." you responded curtly. He smiled, receiving a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I’ll tell you what. Let’s make a bet. Two girls, you win. Two boys, I win. Loser has to change diapers for the first week." You smiled, ready to take on the challenge. "Deal. What if there’s a boy and a girl, though?" He smiled, having already thought of this. "You take the girl, I take the boy."
Niall: "Have you thought about the baby much?" you asked Niall as he was cuddling with you on the couch one day. He nodded, not really paying attention. "I think about the baby all the time. Sometimes I can’t stop." You smiled and kissed the palm of his hand. "Me too. Any gender predictions?" You asked him. He smiled to himself. "I don’t care either way, but I have this image of a little girl in a princess dress running around the house. It just keeps coming back to me." You smiled and looked over at him. "I’ve been thinking that, too. A little princess of our own." He kissed the top of your head softly and said "Then we should start buying those dresses, yeah?"
Liam: "How’ve you been doing (y/n)?" Your best friend asked you as she came over to drop some stuff off. You shrugged your shoulders. "Fine, I guess. Not so sick anymore, but I’m getting lots of cravings." She nodded, putting down the stuff in the kitchen. "What’ve you been craving?" she asked you. "Oh, you know. Ice cream, chocolate, candy. Lots of sweets. Liam says it’s not good for me." She laughed. "Liam doesn’t know anything. When I was pregnant, I ate sweets all the time." She paused for a moment, dropping off more bags for you. "Did you know that if you crave sweet stuff it means you’re having a girl?" You scoffed at her. "Do you rally believe that stuff?" She patted your shoulder. "No. But it’s what I was thinking anyway."

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