He Helps You Through Finals Week
Zayn: Finally it was the last day of finals week and the last exam you had was English Literature. You knew way back at the start of the semester you should’ve read that book, but you’d skipped over it, thinking it to be irrelevant only for it to be the main focus of the study guide the professor had given you for the final exam. Luckily Zayn was there for moral support and he’d read the novel at some point in time. He gave you a quick summary, helping you to answer the questions on the study guide, and giving you ways to remember each new answer.
Harry: He wasn’t very good at helping you with the actual studying, but he was good at motivating you. Even when he wasn’t actually with you, he would text you every twenty minutes and tell you to keep studying and he’d reward you when you next saw each other. If he was with you then he’d quiz you on things and each right answer earned you a kiss or a piece of candy whichever you wanted more at the time. In the mornings he would wake you up with just enough time to fit in one last study session, a quick bite of breakfast - “It’s the most important meal of the day, Y/N” - and then he’d send you on your way to the final exam with a kiss for good luck.
Louis: Louis’ study tactics were to not study at all and he somehow convinced you that’s what you should do. So the night before your biggest final, you found yourself wrapped up in your duvet with him, eating takeout and watching a movie, sharing kisses and stories, and laughing instead of preparing for the stressful day ahead. Soon it was 3am and Louis sighed, extracting himself from the warm cocoon you’d created together, and he walked over to your desk, pulling out your textbook and notes for the final you had the next day. “Now we start studying, babe.” And that’s the reason why, at 8am, you walked into the classroom, eyes bloodshot, hair an absolute disaster, and balancing two empty cups of coffee and one half-full one, just trying to stay awake through this final with the knowledge fresh in your mind.
Liam: The problem was that Liam wasn’t very good with the subjects that you were studying so he couldn’t help you study. He was just sort of there acting as a distraction whilst trying to keep you focused. Since Christmas was approaching, he was singing Christmas songs and telling you about the presents he was buying for other people. Now that wasn’t particularly helpful with retaining things that would be important for your exam, but it did help take your mind off of the impending days of exams, it helped lift the stress and prevent the anxiety from overwhelming you all at once. His meaningless stories and cheerful attitude somehow helped you to focus better than you would’ve without his distractions.
Niall: "This is tough. I’m glad I don’t have to go to school anymore." He laughed, tossing the textbook back over to you. "Do you need me to get you anything while I’m out?" He grabbed his keys and slipped his shoes on, looking back at where you sat completely surrounded by papers and textbooks. "You’re leaving me?" You whimpered, too overwhelmed by all of the stress of the exams. "I guess I can stay and help you study. But you need to find a more interesting way to do it." After a little while a system was developed so that after forty minutes of study, you could take a break, eat a snack, and make out with Niall for a little while.

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