the little girl tugged to his armpit. Her giggles were filling her pink, flowery room while she clutched her teddy bear with her small toddler hands. Harry’s green eyes were glancing on her happily while he read her a book called “Big book about princesses”. You could see his dimples forming when he smiled every time your daughter squealed with laughter. “And they lived happily ever after,” Harry finished slowly, voice hoarse from all the reading when he tugged his little girl better to her bed, kissing her forehead and nose with his pink, plump lips. His hand ran through her brownish curls when he smiled down at the sleepy little girl who was already drifting to sleep, “Good night my little kitten, daddy loves you so much.” Harry joined to you to her doorway, glancing to the sleeping little girl while wrapping his muscly, tattooed arms around you, kissing your hair. His big hand was stroking your side when his sea green eyes sparkled, making you blush. “What?” you asked confused, making his smirk widen. “I want another baby,” he whispered, finger pulling his lip when he stared at you, pure love pouring out of his eyes. He loved his daughter so much. She was everything for him, and it didn’t surprise you that he wanted another kid. You did as well. “Well, we need to get her siblings anyway,” you smirked, seeing how his breath hitched to his throat when he looked at you wide eyed, “Otherwise she’ll be spoiled to rotten.” A mix of a laugh and gasp left from Harry’s pink lips when he pulled you for a big hug, kissing your cheek gently, eyes gazing at you lovingly, “She’ll be thrilled.”
Zayn: You groaned, slipping under the warm sheets, relieved to finally close your eyes. Zayn was lying next to you, black hair wet after his shower, making the bed smell like shampoo. His brown eyes were barely open, small smile tugging his lips. “Was it only me or was he more hyperactive today than ever,” you sighed, crawling against Zayn’s chest, making him chuckle and wrap his arms around you tightly. His lips were lowered to your hair when he hummed a response to on top of your head, making you smile. You reached to kiss one of his tattoos, the one with your son’s name on it, making him trace his fingertips over your arm. “Did you hear what he said after dinner?” he asked, smile on his voice when he nuzzled closer, sighing blissfully against your skin. “No, what did he say?” you mumbled, so tired that you could feel your body relaxing against his. “That he wants a little sister or brother,” Zayn chuckled, making your eyes pop open. He was grinning; black stubble covering his chin while he studied you with his deep brown eyes. “Really? He said that?” you asked curiously, feeling how Zayn’s warm legs warmed up your chilly ones. “Yeah,” he chuckled again, nodding his head before kissing your forehead gently. “I hope the baby won’t be as hyperactive as he is… Wonder where that came from..,” you murmured, shaking your head, making Zayn laugh darkly against your neck. His long fingers were tracing your sides when you thought about your four years old who looked just like Zayn with his brown, serious eyes and black, thick hair. Would he like a sibling? Would the baby look like Zayn too? Or more like you? “Boo? Are you asleep?” Zayn whispered, making you snap from your thoughts to look to his calm, loving eyes. “I think we should have another baby,” you said slowly, watching how Zayn’s expression got from confused to elate. “Yeah, I think so too, boo. Can’t let our son down now…”
Liam: “Yuck!” your daughter screamed, throwing a asparagus out of her plate, disguised look on her tiny face. You groaned, picking up the food she had threw, placing it next to her plate. “You are going to eat two asparaguses every time you throw one away, young lady!” you threatened, feeling your nervousness grow, it had been two minutes…”No!” your daughter screamed, making you growl when you took the green vegetable, placing it to her plate. “Yes you are, because I am your mother and I say it’s good for you,” you said firmly, knowing that she’d do it, though she needed always a bit cheering up. “I want daddy!” she winced, making you sigh deeply, sinking your head to your hands. You could feel your heart bouncing against your chest when you counted minutes until…”I’m going to bathroom to check something darling, you eat that asparagus. I’ll know if you don’t!” you raised an eyebrow, jogging to the bathroom, closing the door behind you. “Okay,” you whispered to yourself, feeling how your hands sweated nervously. You took a step closer to the tests, feeling how your heart missed a beat. All positive. “Oh my god,” you gasped, feeling how happy tears blurred your eyes. It wasn’t really planned, but how could you not be happy to have another kid with Liam? “Babe!” you yelled, running to the dining room to see that Liam had come home. His brown eyes were wide with worry when he looked at you, standing up quickly, placing his hands to your hips. “What’s wrong?” he asked quietly, voice serious when his eyes studied you, making you grin so widely it hurt. Hot tears rolled down your cheeks, making Liam kiss them away worried. “I’m pregnant,” you whispered, looking how his brown eyes widened when he let out an elated laugh, lifting you to his arms, spinning you around, making you giggle. Liam grinned when he looked at your little girl, who had jumped out of her chair, not knowing what was going on, “Me too daddy! I wanna play airplane too! Lift me daddy!”
Niall: You smiled, sitting cross legged on your back yard, looking at your son who was running after Niall with his chubby feet. Niall was grinning widely, blue eyes sparkling when he ran almost on his place to be as slow as his little boy. “C’mon buddy, ye can do it!” he cheered, his laugh making your smile widen. Your son was kicking a small ball, blue eyes concentrated to the small kid’s goal next to Niall. “Go baby, kick it in!” you yelled happily, making both of your men smirk. A small kick made the ball roll to the goal and made your son’s eyes widen with surprise. “You did it!” you grinned, looking how Niall scooped the brown haired boy up, making him giggle when he kissed his cheek. “Daddy, you’re itchy!” your son laughed, wiggling away from his grip, fetching his small football. “Like a father, like a son,” you grinned happily, walking next to Niall who was staring at you with his beautiful ocean blue eyes. He reached his hand for you, intertwining your fingers when he kissed your knuckles, pulling you for a hug. He hummed happily against your hair, kissing your earlobe when your son tried to make another goal. “He’s so big already,” you sighed, eyes locking to the small boy’s attempts to be just like his father. He’d even dye his brown hair blonde if you’d let him. Niall was his superhero. “Nah, he’s not that big, darlin’ ” Niall shrugged, clearly not seeing what you were hinting. “Ni…Could we…Can we…I want another kid,” you rambled, making his blue eyes widen when he stared at you, pink lips parted. Blush covered his cheek when he chuckled, trapping your lips to his, hands gripping your lower back and neck. “Is that a yes?” you asked nervously, making him grin wider. “It’s a fuck yeh, darlin’,” he murmured, making a small gasp leave your son’s mouth, “Momma! Dada said a bad bad word!”
Louis: A long whine left your mouth when you climbed back to your bed, eyes closing instantly when your head hit the pillow. “I’ll take the next time,” Louis mumbled quietly against his pillow, brown hair sprawled to every direction. He looked exhausted, but so did you. “Okay, it will be in about three hours,” you said yawning when he wrapped his tattooed arm around you, pulling you closer to his body. A small grin covered his face when he nuzzled his nose against yours, making you smile. “I can’t wait to try another one,” he mumbled, making your eyes open quickly. “What?” you asked, feeling how tears burned in your throat. You were exhausted even having one kid, and now he wanted another? “A baby, I can’t wait until we have our next one,” he hummed, eyes closed when he kissed your shoulder, not seeing your teary expression. Of course you wanted siblings to your small baby, but she was so small and a lot of work right now. “Lou…Please, can we wait, just for another year,” you whispered, tears chocking your voice, making Louis frown before opening his blue eyes. “Babe, ssh, it’s alright,” he cooed worriedly, sitting up to look at you properly. Tears were streaming on your face when he brushed them away with his palm, hand stroking your hair. “I just can’t do it right now…Two kids is too much right now…She’s so tiny! I can’t handle it, I’m sorry!” He looked at you blue eyes furrowing with sorrow when he lowered his lips to yours, giving you a gentle, loving kiss. “I didn’t mean right now,” he mumbled gently, pecking your lips again, stroking your cheek with his thumb, “But someday, when she’s older and you’re ready…We’re ready.” You sniffled, nodding, embarrassed by your tears but he laughed gently, placing his lips to your forehead. “Let’s go to sleep before she wakes up again, alright love.”

One Direction | Preferences
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