You’re A Model
A/N: It looks like this whole every second day there’s a preference instead of every day is going to become a permanent thing. It’s just a lot easier on me, and I think the writing’s better like this? Anyway, let me know what you think :) x
Niall: And so he boosts your self confidence every single day, because (from the little insight he’s had) the modeling world is harsh, and he doesn’t want you feeling like you’re inadequate. You’re the most beautiful girl in the world, and he wants you to know that, every day, every hour, every second. He tells you in little notes left on the mirror in lipstick, compliments murmured in your ear, texts during the day, and they make you hold your head high, smile bright, and this is it, Niall’s the one.
Harry: And so he worries, because sometimes you refuse food, especially when you’ve got a shoot coming up, and that’s not okay in his book. Three meals a day is what everyone needs, and he wants you to need that too. He wants you to be full and healthy and not so skinny that he can see your bones. He raises these concerns occasionally, but you’ll brush them off, kiss his cheek and insist you’re fine, even though your voice waves a bit, and that trembling is his cue to step in, to do something, and he’ll take you out to eat something ridiculous, like pancakes at one in the morning, or chinese for breakfast, and you’ll both feel a little better for it.
Liam: And so he’ll be sitting front row at every show he can possibly make it too, whether it’s for Topshop or Victoria’s Secret, he’ll be there, smiling up at you. And it’s so incredibly difficult not to let the corners of your mouth crook up at the sight, because occasionally he will have just flown in from the other side of the world, pulling self consciously at his sweatpants and messy hair, but he’s here, and that’s all that matters.
Louis: And so he accompanies you to shoots, sitting on the bench in front of you while your team get you ready, charming the make up artists and stylists while you roll your eyes and reluctantly introduce him to everyone. He’s almost like an excited little boy, smiling and laughing and holding tight to you the whole time, whether it’s your hand or his chin on your shoulder or your body tucked into his, he’ll be touching you. Maybe it’s a protective thing, because he tends to do it a lot more when you’re shooting with a male model, and it gives you a warm feeling, because someone cares.
Zayn: And so he’s a little concerned, because sometimes it looks as if your body is going to shatter in his hands. Your rib bones stick out, and he doesn’t like that, especially when he can count every single one with ease. And every time this happens, he’ll drag you to the kitchen and sit you down, cooking you a good, healthy, filling meal, and sitting with you until you’ve eaten every single crumb. And then, and only then, he’ll kiss you again, because he wants his girl happy and healthy at all times.

One Direction | Preferences
Fanfictiona range of one direction preferences to fill your little fangirl heart