He gets scared when your child gets hurt

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Zayn: Zayn smiled, brown eyes dancing when he stared at his little girl who was playing with her toys on the living room. He was sitting on the couch, you wrapped to his inked arms sleeping, when he watched over his angel. He loved to watch her play; she was babbling to herself, tiny two- year-olds hands squeezing her doll while she put the doll in to the doll bed, next to a pink power ranger doll Zayn had bought her. “ Baba sleepie, sssh,”she squeaked, patting the doll’s head a little before toddling away, making Zayn grin to himself. He squeezed you closer, giving your forehead a peck, just thinking how damn lucky he was to have a family like yours. He smiled again, seeing how his little baby girlreached to her toy basket on a shelf, trying to get it down. “Wait, don’t!” he yelped, but it was already too late. She had pulled the toy basket down, falling to her diaper covered bum while the basket landed to her lap. A loud scream jolted you awake. Zayn was already by her side, soothing the crying black haired girl. Her long eyelashes were tangled with tears while she cried against her father’s chest, chubby hands clutching Zayn’s t-shirt. “Ssh, ssh, It’s okay baby girl, it’s okay,” Zayn soothed, sounding more upset and panicked than his daughter. His brown eyes were wild while he rubbed her back, lip trapped between his teeth. “Zayn, what happened?” you asked confused, seeing how shocked Zayn was. His face was pale when you rushed next to him on the floor, pressing your other hand to your baby’s back and other to Zayn’s cheek. “She…She pulled the basket on her from the shelf,” he said slowly, voice dark and husky, like he was holding tears. “Oh,” you said, not really understanding why he was so upset. Zayn looked at you, tears prickling in his eyes when he gulped, kissing his daughter’s thick hair. She had fallen silent, just leaving occasional small sniffs against Zayn’s shirt, just enjoying his daddy’s hug. Zayn closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, inhaling the scent of his daughter who was still clinging on him. He could feel her small heartbeats like flutters against his own skin and he almost burst with feelings, “For a second it looked like that the basket would hit her to head…I just got scared, boo. I got so scared…” You sighed, looking at his broken figure. He looked so vulnerable, clinging to his little girl for life. He loved her more than anything; that was clear. “She’s okay Zayn. She’s just fine. She probably got that scared just because she saw how scared you got,” you whispered, pecking his cheek while stroking your girl’s hair. Zayn nodded, taking a deep breath, dark eyes calming a little, “Can we just … like keep the baskets on the floor now on?”

Niall: You smiled, listening your boy’s laughter from the back yard. Niall was sitting next to you on the kitchen, watching you smiling when you chopped vegetables to your dinner. “Nah! No carrots darlin’, they’re gross!” he frowned, looking how you took few carrots to the chopping board, starting to slice them. You laughed, looking at his childish impression. He looked just like his son; he had gotten his baby blue eyes what were full of laughter as well as his heart figured face what was smiling all the time. “Oh shush,” you laughed, shaking your head when he leaned over the table to kiss your smiling lips, “You’re as bad as James!” He laughed, dropping his brownish haired head back, squinting his eyes happily. You loved when he did that, and you loved when your little son did that as well. He was on the age of copying every move Niall made, and it was adorable. Niall smiled, knowing what you were thinking before kissing you again, stroking your neck with his thumbs. “MOM! DAD! MOM!” Your son’s scream made you part, and you could see Niall’s jaw clench. He had darted to the back door in a second, only making you follow right on his heels. Your son was sitting in the middle of the yard, big blue eyes teary as he clutched his scraped knee. His lower lip was trembling when he cried, making Niall kneel next to him. “Holy shit,” Niall mumbled, running his hand through his dirty blond hair when he looked down at his son in pure panic. You had kneeled next to your son, running your hand through his thick hair soothingly, making the small boy lean against your chest. “What happened, sweetie?” you cooed, seeing how Niall had frozen to his seat, blue eyes full of tears when he watched his son, “Did you fall?” The four year old nodded, starting to explain how he had done a kick just like daddy had showed him and the football wasn’t there. “And then I fell and I got big ouchie! Mommy, why is daddy crying?” his high, childlike voice was full of curiosity when he watched his dad full of concern, “Did daddy fall too?” You smiled, shaking your head when Niall let out a teary laugh, drying his cheeks to his shirt. He was smiling again when he took the small boy from you, kissing his forehead and tickling his belly to make him squeal with laughter, “Nah, daddy’s fine bud, I got one nasty ouchie meself when I was a small bud like ye. Daddy got scared.” James nodded with serious eyes, making Niall laugh again. He shook his head, kissing the boy’s dark haired forehead again before lifting him up. “Wanna play again, buddy?” Niall asked, eyes still a bit concerned when your small boy nodded enthusiastically, “Go grab a band aid and get back ‘ere then!” Your small son sprinted back to the house with a happy laugh, leaving you and Niall alone. “Holy fuck I got scared,” Niall mumbled, running his big, pale hands over his face, making you giggle. “I could see that babe,” you smirked, closing the gap between you, kissing his lips gently, “But like I said before, Like a father like a son. You Horan men are in danger that you both will have just one knee soon.”  

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