His reaction to you losing your memory
A/N: I thought I’d just focus on you forgetting the boys and not expanding onto your families and life and stuff, so sorry about that, but I hope this is good enough anyway! x
Niall: Niall sit’s patiently by your bed as you begin to show signs of life, coughing a bit, restless as you sleep, as, unbeknownst to him, memories slip from your brain, like shimmering silver, out of your mind and grip. Eventually you stir and blink your eyes open, looking up at him, the nurse hurrying in when he presses the call button. “Hey,” he murmurs, voice crackly and so, so hopeful, and you manage to smile weakly at him, and then the nurse, before looking back to him. “Hi, what’s going on?” “You were in a car crash, baby.” You look visibly uncomfortable at the term of endearment and he leans forward, “You remember me, right?” “Um.. no?” And, suddenly, terrifyingly, he can’t really breathe.
Harry: Harry’s in the waiting room, jiggling his knee and rubbing his hands together, his lips bitten red and raw, and he’s hyper aware of the seconds ticking by, another minute of you in surgery, another hour of unsureness of whether you’re going to remember him or not. So when the doctor comes in, looking tired but satisfied, he’s up and out of his chair, following him through the winding halls to emerge into your room, where you look half asleep, exhausted and blinking up at him, smiling, and his heart lurches up, because you must remember him. “Do you know who this is?” The doctor asks, and Harry sinks down in another chair beside your bed, and suddenly, his world is crashing down around him, pieces shattering, stomach flipping, bile rising in his throat, as you shake your head, no.
Liam: Liam’s got a three year old daughter in the waiting room with his mother, a son still at school, sitting in the teachers office while he waits for one of his Auntie’s to come and pick him up, and a wife who doesn’t remember him. You’re sitting quietly in the chair in the doctor’s office, nursing a headache, and trying to take in the information, while Liam just sits, still trying to digest the fact that you don’t know who he is. You ask the right questions, the usual, will your memory ever come back, but it’s kind of a drone in the background for Liam as soon as the doctor announces gently, that it’s not likely your memory will come back. He can’t actually believe it really, surely his luck was bound to turn around at some point, he’d had way too much good fortune already, but surely this is a bit extreme, the blank expression on your face everytime you look at him, mixed with the apologies, is slowly ripping him apart.
Louis: Louis thinks he can remember a movie the two of you watched together once, The Vow or something, when it was snowing and you had a cold and he wrapped you up in blankets and called you a burrito, and then you watched movies all afternoon. He hadn’t really given the subject much thought, but now, when you’re looking desperately between him and the doctor, eyes big and worried, flinching away from his hand, he wishes he has, because he doesn’t know what the hell he’s meant to do. The doctor talks about swelling in the brain or something, how your memory might come back, but right now, in this moment, you have no inkling to how you might know him, or even what you had together, and he has no clue how to deal with it.
Zayn: And, oh my god, Zayn is fucking devastated. You can’t remember him. You don’t remember his name, what his favourite colour is, don’t even have a flash of, oh, he looks familiar, it’s just nothing, blank, and it’s killing him. What’s he meant to do? What can he do? He’s left to just stand, glancing between you and the doctor in complete shock. He can hear you crying quietly, tears slipping up and over, sparkling down your cheeks, soft gasps escaping your lips. And he goddamn aches to reach over and hug you and wipe your face and promise that everything will be okay, but you can’t remember him, so he can’t comfort you, and fuck, it hurts.

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