Niall: A small smile crossed his thin lips when he leaned to a doorway, eyes glued on you. You had been sitting in the same corner the last twenty minutes with a sad expression on your face, even when there was a full on party going around you. Niall took a sip from his beer can, still staring at you with his pretty blue eyes. He could see how lost and small you looked even when you were surrounded by people who were more or less, having fun. “Hey,” he smiled, sitting next to you to the lonely bench on his friend’s house, “If ye don’t wana be here we can always go…” He studied you for a second; waiting for your answer, almost praying that you would want to leave. You shook your head to your friend, lost in a thought that made your lips frown a bit. He knew that you hated big parties what were full of people. You had only went because Niall had asked you to and there was nothing you would deny from him, even if it would make you unhappy.He knew it an he loved you for that. You had said before that big party, like the one you were at the moment, made you feel alone. He had planned to make you feel less alone this time, but he had failed. There were couples all around you, girls giggling to a boy’s secret, desired touches, steamy snogs in corners and small secret smiles between lovers. But you had nothing. You didn’t even have him. He had disappeared the minute he saw his friends. You were positive that he had forgotten that you were even there. “No, I’m fine, really. I just feel a bit…alone,” you answered quietly to his question were you alright, looking down to the drink in your hands. Niall’s knees were shaking next to you when he bounced his legs with the beat of the music. He could hear the edge in your tone, turning to look at you with sad eyes. His heart was full of worry when he bite his nail, trying to figure you out. He knew you felt alone, but there was something else this time as well. It made him more anxious and nervous and he didn’t know why. He couldn’t even give you a carefree smile, knowing that if you wouldn’t answer it, it would break his heart. You were one of his friends and he cared about you. He really did. His heart was bursting every time he heard your voice or even your name. He couldn’t wait to see you the next time, he missed you every time you were gone and sometimes he just wanted to sit near you to feel your body heat and know that you were really there and real…”Shit,” he breathed, when sudden realization hit him like a truck. His jaw fell down, blue eyes widening when he felt it everywhere. He was in love with you, deeply and madly in love with you. “What’s wrong?” you asked, looking at him curiously. He had threw his hands to his hair, fiddling with it furiously, eyes full of something you hadn’t seen before. He looked hopeful and happy but anxious, letting out an elated laugh what made you raise your eyebrows. He looked at you, finally realizing why you felt lonely when he was gone and why he felt like a ghost when he wasn’t around you, “Nothin’ I just realized somethin’, c’mon grumpy pants, I’ll get ye home and I’ll tell ye there.”
Liam: Liam laid on his bed, brown eyes wide open when he listened to the storm outside. You were sleeping in the guestroom, probably fast asleep, while he stared at the ceiling, listening the loud raindrops. A huge crash made him jump for a bit, making his head jerk in surprise. The thunder rattled his windows, making him raise his blanket better so he would be fully under the covers. He didn’t know why he felt safer that way, but he did. A small pitter patter of feet against the floor made him frown a bit. In few seconds you had thrown his cowers off, climbing to the bed next to him, legs as cold as icicles. “Y/N?” he asked concerned, noticing how you had hid yourself fully under the covers. Only your left leg was peeking out a bit, and it was trembling. “Y/N, it’s okay,” Liam cooed, small sad smile coming to his face when he peeled the covers off so he could see your horrified face, “So, I’m guessing you’re afraid of thunder?” His voice was jokingly, but he couldn’t help himself but frown. He could see the fright in your beautiful eyes and it was making his chest hurt. He wanted to cradle you and protect you from everything in the world. He wanted you to be safe and happy and nothing else. “C’mere,” he smiled gently, pulling you to his strong, tattooed arms, feeling how your body trembled against yours. Your hot breath tickled his neck, just under the birthmark, and it was making his heart swell. Taking a deep breath, you tangled your hands to his shirt, clutching it tightly, hoping he wouldn’t let go. “Ssh, it’s okay, you’re safe,” Liam whispered back, noticing your attempts to keep him close. He didn’t want to let go. Not now or ever. A small shocked grin made his eyes squint when he finally realized what it was all about. He hadn’t felt it so strongly for a long time, perhaps ever, and now he had you in his arms and he felt content and loved. And he felt loving too. He loved you from the bottom of his heart. A small soft breath made his eyes dart to you when he noticed that you had fallen asleep. A small smile tugged his lips when he pressed his lips against your forehead, eyes closing with pleasure when he felt your soft skin against his, “Sleep well beautiful, I love you.”

One Direction | Preferences
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