‘Fall’ By Justin Bieber
A/N: Requested :) Feedback would be cool, right?
Niall: (I will catch you if you fall) Niall’s right there. This he assures you. Whether it’s the middle of the night and you’re scared of a nightmare or worried about something, or you’ve come home from a long day at school and slumped into a chair, he’ll wrap you up, tuck you against his body, and whisper promises and love and hope into your ear, against your skin. He loves you, for god’s sake, and he’s not going to do this half-heartedly, if you fall, he’s going right down with you, so you don’t need to be anxious, he’s right here, following you into the darkness.
Harry: (Let me tell you a story, about a girl and a boy) It’s the oldest story in the book. Boy meets girl. Girl friend-zones boy. Boy falls in love with girl. Boy is sad and lonely. It’s been reused in Hollywood blockbuster after Hollywood blockbuster, book after book, TV show after TV show, until the storyline is completely worn out. That doesn’t make it any easier though. Harry’s still completely head over heels for you, and you’re still crying into his shoulder about some new boy before emerging with a tear stained face and mumbling how good a friend is, unaware that every word rips another hole in his heart.
Liam: (Did you know that I loved you or were you not aware?) Liam wonders this sometimes, when you’re tucked under this new guy’s arm, seemingly blissful, and he wonders if you knew all along. If you’re using this to get back at him for kissing that girl. And, the thing is, you weren’t even together then. You’d been hovering on the edge of it for a good few months, and then you’d completely brushed him away in a conversation he wasn’t meant to hear, so his only option really was to sit at the bar and let the girls crowd up around him, murmuring propositions. So he ponders this, when you look down at the floor, thinking no one is paying attention to you, and look absolutely miserable, but he’s paying attention, he will always be paying attention.
Louis: (I’ve been waiting to tell you this for a long while) Louis’ been hovering on the edge of this confession for years now, the moment arising often, and he’s ready, the breath is right there for him exhale with words riding on it, but he’ll always lose the courage, or you’ll say something to brush the moment away, and he’ll smile and nod and sink back into his seat. But now, you’re lying with your head in his lap, half asleep, smiling sleepily up at him, the conversation in a quiet lull. “Hey, (Y/N?” And this is it,this is it, he can’t breathe and his heart’s in his throat and – “Yeah?” He swallows, manages a weak grin, “I’m in love with you.” “Louis,” you murmur, eyelids fluttering shut, and his chest shudders with the intake of breath, “Yes?” “I’m in love with you, too.”
Zayn: (I don’t think I can stand sitting around while I know you’re hurting, babe) Zayn’s skin itches, shivers tingling up his spine, because he knows you’re going to have a crap time. That stupid excuse of a man is probably chatting up girls left right and centre while you’re left in the corner, sad and quiet. So, as the clock ticks over to a new hour with still no text from you, he heads out, hood up, eyes cast down as he enters the house party, people spilling out onto the lawn, music pounding. He spots you quickly, against the wall, twisting your red cup in your hands, jumping in surprise when he sidles up to you. “Oh, it’s just you.” You smile, but it’s weak and watery, and Zayn wraps his arms around you, pulling you against his chest, nose against your neck. And he lets you break down against him, silent tears slipping out as you breathe him in, the sheer disappointment devastating you, another lost relationship. “It’s okay,” he murmurs, hands rubbing comforting circles on your back, “I’m here now.”

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