Truly, Madly, Deeply
Louis: (Foolishly) He feels like a bit of an idiot, being this in love with you, throat going dry when you look at him a certain why, but he wants to wake up to your eyes every day, and every time you so much as brush hands there’s sparks shooting through his bloodstream and he never ever wants to leave. So he leaves his toothbrush on your sink and beams every time he catches sight of the draw of clothes you have in his house and he still has to bite his lip (hard) to keep from kissing you every second of every day.
Niall: (Completely) Niall is so completely in love with you, it makes him gleam with happiness, and everyone seems to pick up on it. The hearty laughs that come even more often and a sparkle in his eyes, and you want to stay wrapped up in his arms for the rest of your life because he makes your heart skip beats and your stomach drop, even after years of love and kids and arguments, it will always be like this, always be this complete and wonderful and true, you and Niall.
Zayn: (Crazy) Your head is a bit of a whirlwind, not quite able to catch up, but it’s Zayn and just the sound of him breathing beside you is enough to lull you to sleep, and he doesn’t leave in the morning, he stays and makes breakfast, and he tends to come home to your flat instead of his now and it makes your heart jolt every time he walks through the door because it’s Zayn. And maybe it’s a bit crazy, and maybe it’s a bit fast, but you wouldn’t change it for the world.
Harry: (Deeply) He leaves love bites on your neck and nuzzles into your hair and holds your hand and kisses your nose, and you make him dinner and massage his back and play with his hair and you can’t quite remember what it was like when Harry wasn’t around. Everything seems to be divided into ‘before Harry’ and ‘after Harry’, and surprisingly, you’re okay with that. It’s okay to need someone sometimes, and you’re so glad it’s Harry that you need.
Liam: (Truly) It’s funny cause Liam looks like someone who could rip your heart in two within the space of week, but he’s still here months later, lying with his head in your lap and watching reruns of Friends, the remains of pizza takeaway scattered on the coffee table. You can’t help but smile, running your fingers through his hair and remembering how people had warned you, because now you know him, it’s strange that anyone would think of him as a heartbreaker. He’s probably the best person you know.

One Direction | Preferences
Fanfictiona range of one direction preferences to fill your little fangirl heart