He Gives You His Jacket
A/N: I had to stop halfway through writing this because I got emotional over wanting a boy to give me a jacket. But. Yeah. I hope you like it!! (I really really do so feed my self esteem please.) x
Niall: It’s his jumper he gives you, really, because you hadn’t bothered to check the weather before you left the house, and now you’re regretting it, because your dress is incredibly flimsy against the wind and it’s not like your tights are putting up any barriers. “Cold?” Niall asks, and even though you think your lips are going numb and your shoulders are all hunched up, you smile and shake your head, you’ll live. The two of you continue walking, and you don’t notice what Niall’s doing until he’s handing the warm jumper to you, grinning. “I’m hot anyway.”
Harry: You stamp your feet on the ground, curling your toes inside your boots, and cross your arms tight over your chest as you and Harry wait at the pedestrian crossing. Harry’s eyebrows raise as he looks down at you, before his lips curve up into a smirk, shoulders rolling while he tugs his heavy winter coat off. “Here,” he offers, draping it over you. You thank him, pulling it over your body, the material soft and warm. It would be pretty romantic, if he didn’t start belting out the ‘Frozen’ soundtrack, grinning and twirling you around as you cross the road, singing about how the cold never bothered him anyway.
Liam: The sun was still out when you went into the restaurant, so it’s not like it’s your fault, right? Who were you to realize the temperature would drop ten degrees in the two hours you were inside. Liam notices as soon as you leave, the way your arms automatically wrap around each other, your sharp intake of breath, and he laughs, already shedding his jacket. “No, no, I’m fine, the car’s just over there anyway,” you insist, smiling, but he shakes his head, draping it over your shoulders and kissing your head before wrapping an arm around you. You kiss his cheek, “Love you.”
Louis: It’s all very romantic, Louis’ offered his jumper and the sun is just going down, and then of course, in your true is-this-a-relationship-or-is-it-not-i’m-not quite-sure style, he gets stuck. It takes you a few seconds to realize his head’s not popping out and his arms are kinda moving too fast, and by then you’re laughing to hard to really be able to help him. “Stop, stop, you’ll make it worse, here, I’ll help you,” you manage to gasp out, giggling, and he tries to make an indignant gesture but it more just looks like he’s having a stroke, “No, I’m trying to be romantic!” He cries. “Lou, wait,” “This was gonna be such a good moment! I was gonna give you my jumper and then kiss you and then tell you I loved you for the first time and it was gonna be so awesome.” You’re so amused by the fact he’s saying all this with a sweater over his face you don’t realize what he’s said for a good five seconds.
Zayn: “You really thought your hoodie was gonna be warm enough?” He says, while you wait in line for crepes at the early morning market, but it’s not mean or scolding, it’s warm and teasing, and he’s already taking his much thicker and much better at keeping heat in, jacket off. You roll your eyes, but take the jacket, slipping it on over yours, and the sleeves are too long, ending at the tips of your fingers, but it’s warm and smells like Zayn. He grins at you as you lean into him, his arm wrapped around your shoulders, finger tapping your nose gently, “You look cute.”

One Direction | Preferences
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