You dream about him
Niall: And it’s hazy. Reminds you a bit of Harry Potter as you walk through the mist, searching for someone or something. You’re not panicked, strangely enough, calm and collected as you wander, Niall first entering the space by voice. He’s talking about nothing in particular, nothing you remember in the morning, but you do remember the warm hand that slips into yours after a few minutes, or maybe it was hours, you’re not quite sure. You’re positive in the knowledge that Niall was there,though, wherever you were, sure that you weren’t walking alone.
Harry: When he’s a million miles away. It’s nothing special really, the dream is simple enough, you’re going about your day, being thrown into certain situations that definitely wouldn’t happen in real life, but seem perfectly acceptable while you’re dreaming, but Harry’s just there. He’s a presence in the back of your mind as you walk down a street and bump into your third grade teacher who turns out to be superman. Harry’s there to laugh and be introduced to the hero in disguise before you keep walking. It’s a normal dream, but it’s made special but Harry.
Liam: And you wake up crying. The dream is already slipping away as you jolt up on the bed, but the basics are still imprinted in your brain, the fire, the thick smoke, managing to crawl your way out of the burning house and be helped by a fireman, but Liam never emerging. The air is tight in your chest as the mind numbing panic slowly drains away, rubbing your eyes as you concentrate on breathing deep, able to feel Liam’s feet against your legs. “Mmm… babe?” His voice is rough and slow, the sheets rustling as he shifts closer, forehead nestling against your hip, amber eyes blinking sleepily up at you. “Everything okay?” You drop a hand into his hair, “Yeah, yeah. Everything’s fine. Just a bad dream, that’s all.” His arm emerges from the blankets, puling you back down to the mattress and curling his body around yours. “M’gonna keep you safe. Don’t worry.”
Louis: And it turns out he dreamt about you too. You’re woken by a suntanned nose nuzzling into your neck, warm arms wrapping tight around your waist. “Dreamt about you,” Louis mumbles, lips brushing your skin. “Really?” you wonder, turning into his body, lacing a hand in his messy hair, the strands sticking up every which way. “Mmmhmm, you were cat woman and I was batman, and we were saving the world.” “I bet you looked great in the costume.” You can feel him smiling, “You looked better. The cat thing works for you.” You laugh into his hair, “Thanks. I dreamt that you were in the movie I was watching, and I couldn’t work out why you were in it.” “Did I tell you eventually?” Your forehead crinkles, “No, actually, you never came home.” His arms tighten around you, “I’d always come home, baby.”
Zayn: And the dream is rather surreal, apples chasing the two of you around a tropical island while the Queen pops up randomly and tells knock knock jokes that, for some reason, you and Zayn always stop to listen to. You wake up just as Zayn’s managed to make one of the apples into juice, finding that you’ve tangled yourself in the sheets while trying to run away from the apple men. Rolling over, you find Zayn awake and watching you, eyes glittering with amusement. “How was the dream?” Your eyebrows furrow, “We were being chased by apples.” “Oh really?” He’s obviously containing laughter, but you choose to keep going, as if talking about the dream will make more sense out of it, “And the queen was there, she was telling us jokes. Then you didn’t laugh at one of them so she left, and then you made apple juice with a huge blender, and then I woke up.” Zayn’s laughter bursts through the still night air as he shifts across the mattress, tucking you against his body, “You’re crazy, but I love you more than I can explain.”

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