Being apart from each other for too long

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Louis: Louis held back his frustration when the boys teased him about missing you.  He’d try to hide the fact that every minute away from you is spent thinking about you and missing you, but the boys weren’t stupid and could tell he were dying on the inside.  The story was the same on your part; you felt lonely and withdrawn without his presence.  He finally broke down and called you, “(Y/N)?” he asked.  ”Yes, Louis?”  ”How does a flight across the Atlantic and a nice dinner sound to you?”

Niall:  Tears dripped down his face off of his chin and he quickly rubbed his eyes in the case that one of the boys happened to walk in.  He was having severe separation anxiety and couldn’t handle being away from you for so long.  You were hundreds of miles away in an identical mental state wishing he were there at your side again.  It was two in the morning when Niall finally couldn’t handle himself and called you.  ”Niall!  Why are you up so early?” you asked.  He had his laptop open on his lap, the brightness causing him to squint his eyes at the screen, “What time do you want your flight to be tomorrow?”

Liam: Liam could usually handle being away from you, because the two of you were constantly FaceTiming, texting, calling, writing letters… any form of communication, really.  It was remembering your birthday coming up that killed him.  He couldn’t stand the fact that you would have to be alone on your birthday.  You were wondering what Liam would do for your birthday, trying not to keep your expectations so high because he was in another country.  However, when the big day rolled around, you found him lying in bed next to you with a big grin on his face.  ”Happy Birthday, Babe.”

Zayn: Zayn was okay at masking his feelings; he didn’t like to think about how much he was constantly aching for you.  The boys knew that when he was calling you that that was his special time and to not interrupt him.  When they weren’t around, Zayn would draw things that reminded him of you like the bench you two sat on when he leaned in for your first kiss, your favorite flowers,  or rough sketches of you.  Finally, he became so fed up that he decided to let himself be able to draw the airport he was going to be meeting you at.

Harry: Harry kept himself busy when he thought about you.  However, sometimes he became really dejected.  When you couldn’t come to the phone or when you were busy, he pulled out the articulately put together photo album you constructed for when he was like this.  He was lying alone on the tour bus when there was a knock on the door.  Harry resented company when he was in a state like this, but he reluctantly came to the door.  To his surprise, you were standing with a photo of you on the plane flying over to see him to add to his photo album.

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