Baby Boy

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Harry: “Hey there little guy, you’re finally here.” Harry sat in the corner of the room while you slept and rested up, holding your guys’ baby boy safely in his arms. “I didn’t know what to expect, i’ll admit that, but now that you’re actually here, i’m still not sure what to expect out of this, however, if you ever need help charming the ladies don’t you be afraid of asking your old man how to snare one up, but only for love, you’re not going to be a player. No players allowed, only gentleman, you hear me?” the baby boys’ eyes were closed and Harry chuckled. “Ehh, we’ll have this conversation again soon.”

Louis: “My baby boy is grown up.” you tell Louis as you guys sit sidelines at his football(soccer) game. Louis chuckled. “Yeah, but look how incredible he is at what he does and all the girls looking at him.” you shake your head. “None of them will be good enough for my baby boy.” “He’s not a baby anymore.” he replied and you put your head on his shoulder. “To me, he’ll always be my baby boy just like Kaley will always be your baby girl, Damien will always be my baby boy, Louis, there’s just no getting out of that.”

Zayn: “And it’s a baby boy!” your friend shouted and both you and Zayn hugged each other, now finally knowing what the sex of your baby was. “It’s a boy, Zayn, what do we do first now that we know he’s a boy?” “Name?” You stared at your friend. “Suggestions?” “For a baby boy, hmm, is naming him after his father out of the question?” You glanced at Zayn. “Is it out of the question?” “I’d rather not have him named after me, but my band mates however, that’s always up for discussion. I’d love to name my baby boy after my good friends.”

Liam: “Daddy!” the one year old boy screamed out and Liam chuckled as the other guys laughed. “(YN) upset that her precious baby boy only says daddy and not mommy?” Louis asked and Liam laughed, picking up his son. “You have no idea. She cried the first time he said daddy, the second time he said daddy and every other time after that as well. But, my baby boy, he’ll say mommy eventually, he’s just waiting for the right time to say it, just like i waited for the right time to ask her to marry me.”

Niall: “Like father, like son.” you comment as Niall holds his baby boy in his arms, a tiny guitar resting on the baby boys’ lap. “It’s never too early to teach him, is it?” You shake your head, now resting it on the door frame of the nursery for your baby boy. “No, i think it’s amazing. He’s gonna be better then you if he starts now.” Niall laughed and placed the guitar next to him as he picked up his son and looked into his eyes. “Listen to your mommy, you’ve gotta be better than me, i know you will be.”

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