Liam: Liam clutches his glass of champagne tighter, not even thinking about the possibility of it shattering right into his hand, as he watches you “catching up with an old friend of yours”. It was one of your friend’s wedding so this was the first time you’ve run into him in a while, Liam didn’t blame you, he knew you had girl and guy friends alike but he did fault this guy. The way he leaned down unnecessarily to speak into your ear or the way he seems to be moving closer and closer by the minute or even the way his hands ghost over your waist to land only on your hip. All normal to you as he was a good friend but a big no in Liam’s eyes. Liam downs the rest of his glass and places it on a table next to him, making his way towards you. “Oh Liam,” you acknowledge when he places his hand on the small of your back alerting you of his presence. “I don’t believe we’ve met yet.” Liam stated coldly. “Yeah, um, I’m Matt.” He thrusts his hand foward to meet Liam’s in a firm shake. You can practically see their egos fighting silently. “I hate to interrupt but I haven’t had a dance with my girlfriend yet and it’s way overdue.” Liam insists, pulling you towards the dancefloor with you offering a hasty goodbye to Matt.
Niall: Niall being on tour and having a day off in Australia had you and him taking to day to the beach. “All the rainy days in London, I’m so glad to finally have a sunny day at the beach.” You said happily while stripping of your sheer cover up to reveal your black bikini clad body. Niall groans and pulls you to him, “Babe, you look so unbelievably good.” he says, placing kisses down your jaw. “Not here, Niall. There’s cameras everywhere.” You begged, pushing away even though you really didnt want to. “Later, then?” He pulls his shirt off. “Definitely.” You grab the sunscreen and start rubbing some on the fair skinned lad’s shoulders. Suddenly you hear catcalls and hollering from behind you, you and Niall turn around to see what the commotion is about and see a group of four or five boys looking at you. “Hey hot stuff!” One yells. “Come on over here, we’ll have some fun!” Another yells. “We have drinks.” You turn back around to a red faced and completely pissed off Niall, “Pigs,” you mutter. “Do the fuckers not see me standing here?” Niall turns back around, fists clenching and unclenching. “Love,” you turn him around, “You have nothing to be jealous of. You didnt have to get me by yelling crudely from across a beach.” You place a kiss on his lips and grab his hand, “C’mon, just ignore them.” And start walking with him towards the water.
Louis: “Say it again!” Louis roars. “I’m sorry, Lou.” A slap is landed to your bum yet again. “For what?” He demands. You’re laid over his lap, bum up, your punishment for your actions tonight. “Flirting with another guy infront of you!” You admit. Truth be told, the guy was flirting with you and you might’ve flirted back a little to get this exact reaction only because he hadn’t been very dominating in the bedroom as of late and you love it when he is. “Acting like a little slut? Does it give you a rush?” He spat, landing another smack. “On the bed, now.” You, already being undressed, scurry up the bed whilst Louis unbuttons his dress shirt and sheds his pants and boxers in no time. He strokes himself a few times before crawling up the bed to you. Without warning he pushes in, you moan out in surprise as he starts thrusting. The sheer pleasure mixed with his dominance has you teetering on the edge of orgasm in no time. “Who has you this wet?” He groans out, demanding an answer. “You do, Lou!” You moan through thrusts. “That’s right, only I can make you feel this good.” You finish, no doubt leaving a long stroke of scratches down his tanned back. Followed by a few nore jerky thrusts, he finishes. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Louis asks, rolling onto his side of the bed. “Not anymore than I’d like.” You admit with a chuckle.
Zayn: Walking into Starbucks, Zayn and Liam keep their heads down to keep the mobbing to a minimum. Waiting in line to order, Zayn laughs at something Liam says, throwing his head back. That’s when he catches you out of the corner of his eye. Zayn turns his head completely to look at you, you’re standing with a guy, his arm is around your shoulders and your arms are wrapped around his waist. You’re laughing. You’re happy. “Zayn? Are you okay?” Liam asks before following Zayn’s eyes to where he’s looking, “Oh.” He says softly realises this is first time Zayn has seen you since the breakup. It wasn’t a messy breakup; it was mutual, Zayn didn’t want you to be lonely waiting around for him and as much as you loved him, that’s exactly what you were. “She looks so different.” Zayn mumbles. “Why don’t you go say hi?” Liam suggests. Zayn shakes his head, “She looks happy, man, I don’t want to ruin that.” Zayn and Liam’s eyes still glued to you as your boyfriend leans down and kisses your nose causing you to pull yourself closer to him. Zayn can’t help but miss you. “Let’s get outta here, yeah? There’s another coffee shop up the street.” Liam speaks up, pulling Zayn’s attention from you. “Yeah, okay.” They turn around to leave, Zayn sparing one last look at you, you’re still focused on your boyfriend, no knowledge of Zayn being there, which is exactly what he wants.
Harry: “No, see, your body is all wrong.” The golf instructor tells you while you’re lining up for the swing. “How?” You ask, hopefully to correct yourself. “Well for one,” he walks up, standing behind you, “Your hips aren’t aligned.” He places his hands on your hips moving them ever so slightly. Meanwhile Harry looks on from where he’s sitting in the golf cart, arms crossed, jealousy firing up in him. Harry wanted you to feel comfortable golfing with him so he got you an instructor but he’s handsier than Harry expected, nonetheless he bites his lip and allows you to continue. “Another thing, you have to have a strong grip. No spaghetti arms.” He moves so his front is pressed directly to your back, his hands traveling from your shoulders down your arms, finally reaching your hands which is about the same time Harry reaches his boiling point. He marches over, “Alright, thanks pal. I’ve got it from here.” Harry shoves the guy a twenty and gives him a look telling him to get going. Harry takes the guy’s spot behind you, placing a kiss on your neck, “No more instructors for you.”

One Direction | Preferences
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