Strawberry picking with the kids
A/N: Requested :) I’ve been strawberry picking before, it’s quite fun actually. I love feedback? X
Niall: Jade’s on Niall’s back, her arms wrapped around his neck, hands complete with painted fingernails (“Green, like my name, Mummy!”), legs a vice grip around his waist. It’d be uncomfortable for him, but she’s only six and a skinny little thing, so the two of them are quite happy as you walk through the lanes of strawberry plants, Connor slowing you down with his mission to pick the most perfect strawberries for the family. But it’s a nice warm day, and even though Jade is getting grumpy and whining about sore feet even though she’s not even walking anymore, you don’t think you’d rather be anywhere else.
Harry: Harry darts forward as Noah trips on the sprawling strawberry plant and goes head over heels, landing with a thud on his hands and knees, immediately bursting into tears. “Hey, buddy. You’re okay!” Noah is picked up and swooped up into Harry’s arm, clinging to his Dad’s t-shirt as he cries into his shoulder, Harry jiggling him lightly as you and April watch, the strawberry halfway to your daughter’s mouth forgotten as she watches anxiously, praying Noah won’t throw a huge fit and demand to be taken back to the car. Luckily, with a bit of distraction from Harry about, oh my god, Noah, look at that big strawberry! He calm’s down, and the four of you continue down the path, although Noah holds tight to Harry’s hand now, wary of the plants.
Liam: You’re heavily pregnant, leaning into Liam as the two of you follow behind Ella and her grandparents. “I’m so big, Liam. I swear to god, I’m bigger then when I was with Ella.” “Maybe it’s because it’s a boy,” Liam suggests, bending to pluck a few strawberries that Ella had missed in her quest to run after the bird at the end of the pathway. “It might not be a boy, you know.” Liam grins at you, “No, it’s a boy. I’m sure of it.” “You can’t be sure of it, Liam,” you say, rolling your eyes, but he just smirks, obviously knowing something that you don’t. “Liam, no, you didn’t ask the obstetrician did you?” He just smiles, and you shove him as hard as you can, which isn’t very hard, seeing as you’re nearly nine months pregnant. “Sorry, babe,” he laughs, kissing your temple, “But are you glad it’s a boy?” You can’t help but nod, resting your weight against his side again, “Yeah, I think I am. One of each.”
Louis: It’s a bit of a tense atmosphere, because, well, Bella’s fully aware of the fact that Louis’ not her Dad, and she’s clinging tightly to your hand as you begin down the lanes of strawberry plants, talking idly, Bella sometimes peeking out around your side to stare at Louis with big eyes. She’s hesitant and nervous, as any seven year old would be, but Louis seems to understand that, smiling at her every time she catches her watching him, holding out the biggest strawberries he can find for her to see, and he just slowly eases her into the idea that maybe she could like him. And by the end of the afternoon, he’s chasing her down the well-trodden pathways while she squeals, throwing the berries back at him until he catches her and spins her around, setting her on his hip and walking back to you, the two grins on their faces practically identical.
Zayn: Zayn’s just come back from tour, and the kids are all over him, hanging off his legs and arms, Pia perched on his shoulders, while Sebastian runs around in circles, Alexandria skipping in front of them, looking the picture of innocence in her white dress that she insisted on wearing and clutching her strawberry basket. Sure, there are a couple of people following you, some paps hiding behind the fences and snapping pictures, but the five are in your own little world, picking strawberries and suggesting ideas for what you could do with them, Pia insisting on strawberry shortcake, while Seb want’s ice cream, Alexandria’s dress already stained at the hem with red berry juice, but that can’t be helped now, and as you all sit on hill and watch the sun go down while eating strawberries, you can’t think of any other place you’d rather be.

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