Zayn: You sat on the bed that you and your boyfriend, Zayn, shared. You took a long look around the room and noticed how messy it was. With sudden impulsiveness, you stood up and started cleaning up around the room. “Babe?” you heard Zayn call from the kitchen. “What are you doing?” You yelled back at him “Just cleaning…” You heard the door open behind you and Zayn walked in. “Cleaning?” he mused. You threw out a bunch of papers into the garbage and smiled back at him. “Why are you smiling like that?” Zayn chuckled and moved closer to you. He pulled you into him with his strong arms and kissed your forehead. “Because there’s other things we could do than clean…” “Forget it.” you laughed back and pulled away. Zayn laughed behind you. “I can always try!” “It never works!” you laughed back. “Well, one day it-” he stopped mid sentence and stared at the desk where you two worked. “What’s wrong?” you asked him. “Where are my drawings?” he questioned. You shrugged your shoulders and turned to the closet so you could clean up the mess. “(Y/N), where are my drawings?” he asked, a little louder this time. “I don’t know. I didn’t touch anything on that table except for…” and you stopped because you remember that the pile of papers that you threw out were indeed his sketches. He looked at you with his eyebrows furrowed. “You threw my drawings out?” he asked in a deadly silent voice. “I-I’m sorry.” you muttered. He sighed, exasperated. He looked through the trash and sure enough found his drawings crumpled at the bottom. “Zayn,” you began, softly. “I didn’t mean to-” “Whatever.” he cut you off. He stormed out of the room with his hands in his pockets without another word.
Harry: ”Harry!” you giggled. “Stop!” “Not a chance” Harry laughed and continued tickling your sides. You kicked and squirmed trying to get out of his strong hold. You were laughing your ass off when you heard the phone ring. “Harry” you breathed, in between laughter. “Phone.” He stopped ticking you and you breathed out in relief and sat up straight. “Hello?” Harry said into the phone. He listened for a bit and looked at you with hard eyes. You raised your eyebrows back at him. “Sure, I’ll be there.” he finally said into the phone. “Bye.” He ended the call and looked at you and smiled a tight smile. “What’s up?” you asked him cautiously. “Oh, nothing.” he said nonchalantly. He got up and started walking to the mirror and fixing his hair. You cocked your head in confusion. “Ok, seriously, what’s wrong?” you asked. He just looked down and didnt reply. You wrapped his arms around his strong waist and looked up at him, waiting for a reply. He sighed. “(Y/N)…” he started, moving the hair out of your face. “We can’t go to dinner tonight.” You pushed yourself away from him. You felt your heart break into a million pieces. “What?” you whispered. “Babe-” “Harry, we’ve been planning this for 2 months now. You kept cancelling and you promised you wouldn’t cancel again!” you felt your voice rise. “I know but-” “Shut up Harry!” you screamed at him. “Obviously your work is more important than I am. Just go. I don’t care.” You ran upstairs and locked yourself in your room and cried angry tears out.
Louis: "Babe?" you called into the apartment that you and Louis shared. "You home?" You walked into the room you two shared and saw him sitting on the bed with his laptop on his lap. You saw that his eyebrows were furrowed and he was frowning. "Is everything alright, Lou?" you asked, cautiously. He just muttered something under his breath and kept staring at the screen. You frowned and moved closer to see what he was watching on the screen. As you looked over, Louis snapped the laptop shut and you jumped back. He glared at you. You glared back. "What did I do?" you asked, getting furious. "Oh, I don’t know…just FUCKING CHEAT ON ME?" he yelled. Your jaw dropped in shock. "…what?" "Did I stutter?" he spat. He opened up the laptop for you to see a picture of someone that looked exactly like you kissing some random guy. "Louis, that’s not-" "Oh, save it." he sneered. Now it was your turn to get mad. "Do you honestly not trust me THAT much, Louis? You think I’d just cheat on you?" Louis sighed in exasperation and turned to the window in the room and stared out. With his back faced towards you, you heard him sigh again, this time more slowly and softly. "I mean, I thought you knew me better." you whispered. When Louis didn’t respond, you went over to him, grabbed his shoulders and turned him towards you. His eyes were closed and his forehead was creased from worry. "Answer me." you demanded. He opened his eyes and they were rimmed with tears. "I just…" he began, his voice cracking. "I can’t stand the thought of losing you." You sighed and hugged his strong chest. He hugged you back, stronger and you felt him shaking with tears. "I won’t leave you Louis." you murmured into his chest. "Never."
Niall: You were lying on your bed with a really bad headache. Every small noise hurt your head and made you wince in pain. You could hear Niall in the living room outside with some of his friends. There was no denying that Niall’s laugh was loud and loveable, but at this moment, you really couldn’t stand it. Every time he laughed, you shut your eyes and whimpered in pain. “Alright, later lads.” you finally heard Niall say from outside and the door shut. You sighed in relief. You heard your door open slowly. “How’s my princess doing?” Niall asked, softly. “Not too good, considering your laugh is like a fucking elephant.” you muttered. Niall laughed and you cringed. “Oh, whoops.” he said, and sat next to you. He started patting you hair down and you glared at him. “What, are you mad at me?” he teased. You sighed. “I’m not happy, that’s for sure.” Niall frowned. “We were just having some fun-” “OK, but you KNEW that I was in the room next door with a headache! You could have been just a little bit more quiet!” Niall moved his hand away from you and rubbed his neck, getting annoyed. “Ok, whatever. Talk to me when you’re cooled down.” With that, he left the room. You groaned and rubbed your eyes, tiredly. “Why am I such a bitch…” you murmured to yourself. You got up, even though your eyes were blurry and your head spun, and walked to the living room. Niall was sitting on the couch flipping through channels on the tv. You quietly sat next to him and he ignored you completely. You cuddled up to his side and he smiled a small smile and wrapped his arm around you. “I’m sorry…” you whispered. He just hugged you tighter. “Nah,” he started “I’m sorry I’m just a loud piece of shit.” You two laughed together, quietly this time. He kissed you head and held you close to his chest. “Now go to sleep, babe.”
Liam: "Pass me the potatoes, (Y/N)?" your boyfriend, Liam, asked. You smiled and passed him the bowl of potatoes and he winked at you in approval. You two were cooking dinner for your guests tonight and everything was going great as the day was filled with laughter. As Liam was peeling the potatoes, you took that oppurtunity to tease him a little bit. You wrapped your arms around his strong torso and you slid your arms under his shirt, feeling his back muscles. He looked back at you and smiled a sexy smile. You kissed his cheek and he put the vegetables down and grabbed your waist and started kissing your lips. You giggled and pushed him away. "Get back to work, Liam." you chuckled. He pouted. "That’s not fair." You shrugged and showed him how to dice the potatoes. He frowned at you, looking confused. "Is everything ok?" you asked. He just nodded his head and started cutting the potatoes. You turned around and started washing some broccoli when you heard Liam’s loud oath. "FUCK!" he yelled, and dropped the knife on the ground. "LIAM OH MY GOD" you yelled, and went over to him. He was clutching his hand in pain. "It’s nothing, its hOLY SHIT IM BLEEDING A WATERFALL FUCK" He moved his hand away and sure enough his hand was in a pool of blood. You started panicking. You rushed him to the bathroom and put his hand under some water and he swore some more. "It’s gonna be alright, don’t worry." you cooed, even though your voice shook. You cleaned up the wound that looked like it need stitches and wrapped it up in bandages. "See?" you asked, and Liam cussed in pain again. "I always manage to fuck everything up fucking-" You cut him off with a kiss on the cheek. "It’s ok." you smiled. "As long as you’re ok. Mistakes happen!" He smiled sheepishly and looked at his bandaged hand. "We should have just ordered some pizza."

One Direction | Preferences
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