You’re gluten intolerant/celiac
Niall: And although it’s slightly embarrassing sometime, Niall asking the waiter whether something has gluten in it, it still makes your heart swell, because you’ve been asking that question your whole life, and you can’t explain how big of a relief it is to share that duty with someone else. Not having to blush and quietly inquire about the ingredients, instead you’ve got your big bad knight to offer to do it instead, without you even having to ask.
Harry: And so he’s the one to stand up for you and suggest something that isn’t pizza and guide everyone else towards the burger place with gluten free rolls instead. He’s discreet and quiet about it, but he makes sure you never have to go hungry because you can’t eat what everyone else is eating, because he can’t have his girl hungry, can he?
Liam: And so Liam decides to go off gluten as well. You insist that it’s fine, for him not to worry, you’re in the habit now, anyway, it doesn’t matter, but he smiles and pushes your concerns away, says it’ll keep him healthy. And although you worry about him, because you know how hard it is to walk away from pizza and a fresh loaf of bread, he’s strong about it and kisses you and promises that it’s really not that hard, he’s happy to eat whatever you’re having instead.
Louis: And he’s a bit skeptical at first, because he doesn’t get how it would work, not being able to eat something as simple as bread or pasta. But you show him the special part of the supermarket with all the gluten free things, and how really, it doesn’t taste that different, and before he really knows it, he’s stocking his own shelves with various celiac friendly things, because he’s happy to make the life changes for you.
Zayn: And the next morning you find a list on the fridge of all the things you can’t eat. Apparently Zayn stayed up late last night researching it all, and is now an expert on the subject, taking you to cafes that serve everything gluten free and new supermarkets and introducing you to new food brands. It’s heartwarming and it makes your stomach do little excited flips, so you can’t really help kissing him right there in the middle of the supermarket aisle.

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