Baby's First Christmas
Niall: ”You got her babe?” he asks as you grab the car seat from the back of the car, and smile at him as the snow starts to fall around you. “I’ve got her.” you smile widely as he nods and follows you as you carry your newborn baby into the house, lights on, and unopened presents still on the floor from the other night’s festivities. An early family Christmas party had quickly turned into a birthing session, resulting in a healthy, beautiful baby girl born on Christmas. Taking her from her seat, you cradle her close in your arms and coo down to her, “Welcome home sweetheart, merry Christmas.”
Zayn:He laughed again as your son stood up, finally mastering doing it on his own, and wobbled over to the Christmas tree, grabbing an ornament to toss. He had already started a pile in the corner of the room, round balls piled messily. “Babe, you have to come see this.” he laughs as your son smiles seeing you walk into the room, and tosses the ball in the direction of the corner. Shaking your head you try not to laugh as you pick him up, “Sweetie, those go on the tree.” you break, and laugh. “Well, guess that just means we get to put them back on.” you smile setting him down, grabbing an ornament, hanging it back on the tree, as Zayn laughs watching him take it back down and throw it back in the pile. “I’d say no more ornaments for the next Few Christmas’s.”
Louis: "Wait, wait, let me get the camera." you say quickly running to grab your camera as the twins sat staring blankly into space, a box in front of each of them. He smiles a bit, then looks at you, "Ready?" you nod as he crouches beside the girls, "Alright, do you want to see your gifts now?" he asks, starting to open each box, then lets the girls tear into them. He smiles as they pull the tissue paper out, seeming to be more fascinated with it, than the gifts inside. "Babies, look inside." you say, crouching to hold the dool in the box to them both. One smiles and takes the empty box placing it on her head, giggling as it covered her eyes. Laughing Louis sits beside them and watches as they both play with the wrapping instead of the actual gift you had given them.
Harry: "She looks scared." he says as you look at her perched in Santa’s arms. You decided that it was the perfect opportunity to get a picture of your newborn with Santa in time to send it out for Christmas. "She looks fine." you smile at him, taking his hand as your daughter starts to cry in the actor’s arms. Frowning you quickly take her and calm her down, as Harry assures that it would only be a minute. After a while you finally get her to sleep and calmed down, the Santa already left. You sigh and pout at him, "How are we going to remember her first Christmas now?" you ask as he smiles a bit, and takes her from you, "I don’t think we could ever forget this babe, no way."
Liam: You rocked the baby in your arms, trying to get him to sleep. For the past hour you had been up with him as he cried, at, and laid contently in your arm, wanting nothing more than to be held. Sleep was taking over your body as it swayed from side to side, trying to get your son to sleep. “Come on now, aren’t you tired?” you ask, a soft whine in your voice. His brown eyes stared back up at you as you sighed and tried to bounce him back to sleep again when you feel a hand on your shoulder. “Can’t sleep?” Liam’s voice asks as you sigh and nod. He takes him from you and rubs his back, “Probably just excited that it’s Christmas.” he smiles as you sigh, looking at the time, it just turning a little past three in the morning.. “Go back to bed babe, I’ve got him.” Smiling weakly you kiss him murmuring a merry Christmas as he tried to get your son back to sleep.

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