You live in America
Niall: So there’s that extra added pressure with the long distance. American tours become your favourites, and there a lot more Skype calls then what there usually would be in a relationship. But you make it work, texting each other photographs and little things that happen throughout the day, counting down the days until you’re both in the same city again.
Harry: He already spends so much time in the US anyway, visiting Cal and his family, that it doesn’t really bother him. And he doesn’t mind the plane trip either, because he knows you’re going to be there waiting for him in the arrivals terminal, gleaming and bouncing on your toes, extremely excited to see him, and he wouldn’t want to lose that for the world.
Liam: It’s tricky and frustrating and time consuming, but in the end, Liam’s the person you can call if something’s gone wrong, and he’s the person you get to crawl into bed with at the end of the day (if you’re in the same country), and he’s always going to have your back, no matter what, so it’s worth it, always worth it.
Louis: So you spend the summer in London, lying in parks with him and eating ice cream and using the days to do absolutely nothing, simply lying in bed. It’s lazy and hot and full of kisses, just the way summer should be, and yeah, it’s awful when you have to wave goodbye for the last time and walk into customs, but there’s always the promise of next summer.
Zayn: He flies over every chance he has, sometimes spending a month with you, sometimes only a weekend, but he makes the effort, he gets on the plane even when he can barely keep his eyes open he’s so tired, and maybe that’s what keeps the relationship going, because you know he’s just as committed as you are.

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