A/N: I was having complete writer’s block, so this is what happened. Sorry. Love you? xx
Niall: You love birthdays. You always have and always will. You get presents and cake and people fuss over you, and it’s just nice. It’s nice celebrating another year of life, and this is the first time that Niall will actually be in the country on your birthday. Last time you’d only been dating for a little while, and he’d been in a whole different continent, but now he’s here, and he’s almost as excited as you. So when you come downstairs in the morning and find Niall already there with your parents, singing Happy Birthday with them, you can’t help but think that you’re pretty sure you’ve found the man you’re going to marry.
Harry: The words reverberate with every step you take. He forgot. They forgot. Everyone forgot. You’re blinking back tears the whole way home from school, because everyone freaking forgot about your birthday. Even Harry, who you’d texted excitedly the night before about today. But no, he hadn’t done anything, hadn’t said anything. You open your front door, eyes downcast and sad, and all but scream when the lights turn on suddenly, fifty people made up of your friends and family jumping up from various hiding places, spraying confetti and throwing streamers, yelling ‘happy birthday’, and right in the middle of it all, holding a cake, is Harry, grinning happily at you.
Liam: You’re woken at midnight by your phone ringing, and reach for it groggily, answering without looking at the contact number, so you’re pretty surprised to hear Liam beginning to sing the Happy Birthday song down the line. “Liam,” you laugh, although tears are pricking your eyes, because this is really quite lovely of him. “You don’t have to do this. I was going to call you later anyway.” He makes a disapproving noise, “No, we’re going to do the birthday thing now, because I can’t be there with you, and I feel awful about it, so I thought I’d make it special, and be the first to talk to you.” “Well,” you murmur, smiling widely, “Thank you.” You can practically feel his happiness, even though you’re miles from each other, “You’re welcome, darling.”
Louis: You and Louis celebrate his birthday a few weeks before Christmas Eve, not wanting it to clash with the holidays or anything, and he’s pretty used to it, actually, so he doesn’t mind, barely notices really. But when he wakes up on the 24th to you walking into the bedroom carrying cake with candles and singing Happy Birthday, still in pyjamas, his heart swells and he can’t stop smiling as you sit down in front of him, holding the plate steady as he blows out the flames, pulling you in for a grateful kiss right after.
Zayn: Zayn’s working all through his birthday, and although it’s nice to get all the congratulations from the interviewers and management and fans, the thing he’s looking forward to all day, is coming home to you, and when he does, you don’t disappoint, dinner ready and waiting, presents, a cake, but really, he doesn’t care much about that, just having you is plenty. You’re all he needs, he’s far too lucky already, so just to come home to you is the only present he wants.

One Direction | Preferences
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