Disney Couple Comparison
Louis: Peter Pan and Wendy
You and Louis both had very different personalities when you first met. You still do, but you even out each other. Louis was much more childish while you were very civil. Louis would always bring out the child in you and you loved it. At first you did not know how the relationship would work out, considering he’s a famous superstar and all, but you decided on going with it. You would spend the day and night messaging each other and skyping each other and share a few laughs and smiles throughout the time. Whenever you would miss Louis, he always told you to look out at your window at night and stare up at the second star to the right. It was a little corny joke of yours, you and Louis spent one of your nights star gazing together and another night you were watching Peter Pan. Peter reminded you so much of Louis and Louis decided that looking at the stars was both of your ‘thing’ whenever you both had time. It was very corny, but also a little romantic.
Harry: Hercules and Megara
At first, you weren’t very fond of the curly-haired, green-eyed boy from 1D, but after a while you warmed up to him. When you first met Harry, it wasn’t on the best of terms and news was going around that little Harry was a big flirt. Not really caring what the gossip shows and magazines say you were friends with Harry in no time. Of course, his flirtiness came out immediately, but this was a different flirty. When he first saw and met you, he thought of one thing. He wanted you. Not wanting you in a lusty way, but more in a lovey way. It wasn’t necessarily ‘love at first sight’, but it was close. He did not stop trying to please you anyway until you were happy. Of course you did not notice this until a while later. Harry would drop simple hints and even go out of his way as to miss time with the boys and management just to try and get you to like him. The boys weren’t very happy, especially Louis, and tried to make him forget about you, but he would not stop. Finally after about 2 months of constant flirting and romantic gestures you decided on going on a date with him and the rest is history.
Liam: Mickey and Minnie Mouse
You and Liam were the ideal couple, or at least that was what everybody else said. You both were meant for each other, everybody could see it. When you were both together you were both so cute. Liam would be so shy to be around you, but also love it. You found his shyness to be so cute and usually had to loosen him up a little by kissing his cheek a couple of times or hold his hand. He would buy you flowers or any other romantic gift out of the ordinary and you would gush about how cute and romantic he would be. He would get jealous when any boys, including his best mates, would stare at you or even touch you. The boys found out soon enough not to test him, but his jealous side was always cute also. People would always describe your relationship as ‘playful’ and ‘perfect’, but you both know that every relationship, especially yours that it wasn’t perfect. There were times where both of you didn’t agree on things and had fights, but you both moved on from it and made your relationship stronger.
Niall: Prince Eric and Princess Ariel
You were both from two different worlds. You were a girl from a small town in the U.S. who recently moved to London and that’s where you met Niall. You were performing on the street, trying to make some extra money. You sang and played the guitar. When you were taking a break you took off your guitar and someone accidently ran into you making it drop and break. He nervously apologized over and over until he decided to take you out as an apology. You went around and sight saw and ate food with Niall and he immediately warmed up to you. (Also after a few weeks he bought you a new, better guitar even though you told him not to.) Considering he was on a little break til’ his tour started up again, you guys’ met constantly and each time you grew closer and closer. He left before he could confess his feelings for you and he didn’t want to do it over text, so he waited for a right time. He invited you back over to the states close by where you lived and you spent the day with him and watched the concert that night. That night was also the night he told you his feelings and replied with the same. He was very happy and you shared your first kiss that night. People didn’t know how to react to this relationship for a while. At first they didn’t think it would last considering of the long distance and the difference between both of your lives, but they warmed up to it after a few months through the relationship. The boys’ were also there every step of the way to help, not wanting their little leprechaun to be the happiest he’s ever been.
Zayn: Prince Adam and Belle
When you first met Zayn, he wanted to open up to you, but thought it was very hard. He didn’t know why but it was hard for him to open up. You would try and help him, but after awhile he would do something and become upset. You decided enough was enough and made him hang out with you one day. At your house it was, at first, very awkward but it warmed up after some snow-ball fights and baking. After that day Zayn would warm up til’ eventually you were both the best of friends. But he wanted more. He took you out on a date, fancy and romantic, and it was going great until you got a call that your father was in the hospital. You had to cut the date short, much to both of your dismay, and was running emotionally throughout the hospital. Your father was fine, he personally told you he was fine and you were elated. Although your date was canceled, you wanted to try again and Zayn was very happy about that. You both went on many dates before Zayn asked you to be his and you were very happy. You had met a once very shy and closed-off Zayn and changed him into the loving prince you call a boyfriend.
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One Direction | Preferences
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