You think he’s cheating, but he’s not
Niall: You sat in your kitchen, hands shaking a little while you leaned to the counter. Niall was gone, he was touring again, leaving you alone to your empty flat. The lump in your throat made it hard to swallow when tears rolled down your cheeks, dripping off your chin. Television was open, some woman in E!News still babbling about One direction’s latest success, but you couldn’t breathe. Niall had been seen with a model twice that week. He had caught sneaking out of a hotel, and leaving a pub late at night, and it was all over the news. He was cheating on you. Your blue eyed, blond haired god was cheating on you, ripping your heart apart, and slicing everything you owned. It burned, it hurt, you couldn’t even breath properly. They had just threw it out, simple as that, saying “One direction’s Niall Horan is cheating on his long term girlfriend Y/N.” ripping your heart out. Hot tears blurred your vision when you pressed your head to your hands, sobbing quietly. It couldn’t be real, it couldn’t…Your Niall, sweet, funny, loud Niall… “Darlin’” Niall’s voice came behind you, startling you. His voice was gentle and quiet, like a soft murmur. You could feel your heart clench when you turned to look at him, glaring him as best as you could. “What are you doing here?” you snarled, feeling hurt when he looked at you with his blue eyes. He looked sad when he took a step forward, long fingers running through his thick hair. “I saw the news and wanted to see ye,” he mumbled, biting his nails when he looked at your angry figure. You didn’t know what to do. Everything hurt like hell, and seeing his face made you want to break down. You loved him so much. How could he do this for you? “Why?” you whispered angrily, whipping your eyes when he took another step forward, reaching to touch your hand. Pulling back you glared at him, making his baby blue eyes turn to deep blue. “It’s not true and I wanted to tell ye that…I know ye would be hurt and I wanted to make it better,” he sighed silently, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles, ignoring your shivers. His eyes were blurry with tears when he looked at your angry eyes. “Yeah right, ‘it’s not true’ bullshit Niall, how do you explain those pictures, huh?” You snapped, raising your voice at him. He stared at you fiddling with the string of his grey sweatpants. Even when you were angry at him, you couldn’t help but admire his smooth, pale skin full of dimples, blue eyes what locked you in the minute you stared straight at him, muscles what showed perfectly under his shirt… “Darragh… It’s his girlfriend, he’s there too. He wanted us to get to know each other. He’s my best mate and I want to get along with his bird. I didn’t cheat on ye babe, I swear on my life,” He said sternly, blue eyes drilling to yours. His big hand covered yours when you looked at him, analyzing his creatures. Niall was always honest. He always said what was in his mind. He wasn’t lying. “Truth?” you whispered, voice hoarse. You felt his hand on your cheek when he cupped your chin, stroking your lips with his thumb. “Truth,” he mumbled, lowering his pink, soft lips to yours, giving you a soft, sweet kiss where you could feel his feelings. “I love ye Y/N, so much it’s crazy,” he mumbled, wrapping you to his arms, pressing his cheek to the top of your head, “I wouldn’t ever do that, ye’r all I need. I’m a lucky dude to have ye, more that lucky actually. Ye’r perfect and everythin’ to me. I love ye and ye’r the one. Don’t ever doubt that, ‘kay.”
Liam: You smiled, feeling his breathing on your ear when he snuggled closer, pressing small kisses to your ear. His strong arms were around you, holding you close when he rubbed his nose to your cheek murmuring softly. “Liam that tickles,” you giggled, feeling his growing stubble on your neck. He laughed lowly, making you giggle even louder. “Sorry babe,” he smirked, brown eyes smiling when he looked down at you, pecking your chin before sitting up, “Gotta use the loo, babe, I’ll be right back.” You nodded smirking, feeling how butterflies filled your stomach when you saw his muscles tighten on his arms. Liam ran off, slamming the bathroom door close, making you giggle. His phone rang on the table, making you lift your eyebrows and reach it. “It must be Louis, could you answer for me, love,” Liam’s voice yelled, making you giggle when you answered the call without hesitation. “Hello?” You smiled, hearing a small snort from the line. “Hi, Is Liam there?” A girly voice asked, making you frown. “He’s not available right now, but I’m his girlfriend, maybe I can help you?” You said frowning a little. “Oh, He didn’t mention having a girlfriend,” the girly voice stammered, making your heart miss a beat. “Wh-what?”your voice quivered, eyes tearing when you stared at your feet, feeling how your heart broke. “He didn’t say…I am so sorry…I wouldn’t have done anything if I’d known..,” the girl said loudly, making your hands shake. You clutched Liam’s shirt around you with both of your hands, heart bleeding. Liam couldn’t have done that…He just couldn’t…He was so sweet and caring, the best boyfriend in the world. He loved you, didn’t he? “Babe, who is it?” Liam’s voice asked happily when he sat next to you, hand reaching to yours. You dodged, making his brown eyes look at you confused. “I..I’m…You…Liam’s here,” you blabbered, almost throwing the phone to Liam who was watching you worried. He was frowning when he tried to pull you closer with no luck. You felt like bursting when you looked at him. You loved him so much and couldn’t think your live without him…But now, you’d have to. He had cheated. “Hello?” Liam asked, eyebrows knitted together when he held the phone on his ear. Swallowing your tears you stood up, not wanting to let him see you cry. “What in the world…Jeez, for a moment I thought you were a girl..,” Liam snickered to a phone, making you look at him confused. Your heart was hammering against your chest when you stared at him. “Louis that was not funny, you should have seen her face, she’s gonna kill you for doing that,” Liam laughed with light voice, making your heart calm down and fill with anger. Damn Louis. “LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON!” you shrieked to the phone, ripping it away from Liam’s steady hands, “I’m gonna kill you, I hate you!” Louis’ laughter filled the room when Liam hugged you close, lips hovering over your neck. “Close the phone babe,” he hummed, shaking his head when you closed it, looking at his brown, wonderful eyes. His tattooed hand was around you when he looked at you, lips in a small pout. “I can’t believe you actually thought I was cheating on you,” he sighed rubbing his lips over your neck, making you sigh, “Silly, silly girl…I love you, only you…”

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