Liam: His brown eyes widened when he opened the hotel room’s door. He was dragging his suitcase after him when he stopped, mouth hanging open, no words coming out. You were laying on the hotel room’s bed, naked, shy smile covering your face when you looked at your dumbfounded boyfriend who had suddenly lost is ability to talk. His hair was messy after a long plane and bus rides, eyes wide and disbelieving when he stared at you. “Well?” you smirked nervously, covering yourself a little, starting to feel ashamed. “Don’t,” he blurted out, grin making its way to his face when he dropped the suitcase, running to the bed, pressing his warm lips against yours. He took your small hands on his big ones, making you fully exposed again. His hands roamed your body hungrily, eyes never leaving yours when he ripped off his clothes, licking and nipping every part of the skin he could reach. “What are you doing here?” he murmured between small kisses to your neck, gentle fingertips running down your tights, making you shake against him. Your moans and sighs filled the room when you kissed, your hands ran over his tattooed arms. “Surprise,” you managed, making him just hum against your stomach, while sucking the flesh around your bellybutton. He smirked when your fingers tangled to his brown hair, tugging it a little. “Best. Surprise. Ever,” he grinned when you pulled him up from his shoulders so you could kiss his sweet lips before sucking his birth mark gently, making him moan. “I love you.”
Harry: You could hear the bus door open and close quietly. Liam had texted you nearly five minutes ago, telling you that Harry had wanted a few minutes on his own and was coming down to the bus. It fitted greatly to your plan, making you blush when you pressed your stomach against his pillows nervously. You hear Harry sigh when he came to your eyesight. He hadn’t noticed you, only dialing something on his phone. He looked beautiful, even when his green eyes weren’t laughing like usually and his dark hair was damp after a shower. He was so beautiful you couldn’t believe you were blessed to call him as your boyfriend. “What, you’re gonna ignore your naked girlfriend now?” you teased, looking how Harry jumped yelping, green eyes darting to you. “What the-,” he looked at you, eyes wide, finger twisting his lower lip. It was a nervous habit of his, making your stomach burn with lust. “Surprise,” you beamed when he took few big steps to crash his sweet lips against yours. His huge hands tangled to your hair when he tipped his tongue to your mouth, moaning when your naked body pressed against his skinny jeans. After few minutes of snogging he parted, panting heavily when he beamed at you, green eyes sparkling. You had ripped off his shirt, admiring his tattoos with your fingers. “You’re really here, kitten,” he breathed, blinking happily when you popped his jean button open, smiling to his smirk. “I missed you,” you confessed, making him chuckle and press his hands to the lower of your back, kissing you furiously. “I’d say I missed you too, but it would be an understatement, kitten,” he smirked winking when he kissed you again, kicking his jeans off, “Serious understatement.”
Louis: You smirked to Paul before shutting the door of one of the boy’s dressing rooms. Paul was standing outside the door, making sure that no one else than Louis would come in when you ripped your clothes off, settling to a small couch next to a mirror. Nerves bubbled on your belly when you heard the boys’ loud sniggers and shouts from afar, what meant that Louis was coming as well. “What is going on?” Louis’ irritated voice asked from the other side of the door. You couldn’t hear Paul’s answer, but next thing you knew was that Louis was standing on the doorway, slamming it close behind him. “Oh wow,” he breathed smug smirk on his face when he admired you lustfully, blue eyes roaming your body when he stood still. You giggled, tossing your hair over your shoulder, knowing how he loved it. Louis’ eyes were elated when he giggled, running to scoop you to his arms. “LOUIS!” you screamed when he spun your naked body around the room before pressing you against the wall, lips brushing yours. His hot breath lingered against your lips when his thumbs rubbed your sides, making your skin go goose bumps. His eyes sparkled when he pressed your lips together, holding you strongly against the wall. His lips were warm and familiar and he smiled against your kiss, making you smile as well. “This is quite a surprise,” he sniggered, kissing your neck when you threw your head back, moaning loudly, “But a really, really good one.”
Niall: You could feel your heart bouncing nervously against your chest when you breathed in and out, trying to calm down. You felt stupid and nervous at the same time. Being in a robe on the rehearsal area wasn’t a good idea. Being naked under it wasn’t either. “C’mon Niall,” you mumbled quietly, twisting your fingers nervously when you heard footsteps coming near you. You were leaning to Niall’s stage pop up, feeling light headed. There was a chance that the someone who was coming wouldn’t be Niall, it could be anyone from Lou to the staff. You could feel your pulse calm down when you heard familiar humming. Niall’s trainers squeaked against the floor when he hummed happily, blue eyes focused on his phone. His blondish hair was on a shape, ready to the dress rehearsals. “Hi,” you smirked, watching how his eyes snapped off his phone to meet yours, wide and surprised. “What the hell?” he mumbled looking at you, devilish grin coming to his face. You smirked, opening your dress robe, flashing him before closing it again. “Oh shit,” he mumbled when he reached you, smiling so wide you could see his pearly whites. His eyes were wide and sparkling when he kissed you giggling, nose scrunching. “What are ye doin’ ‘ere? Naked!” he screeched, laughing throatily when he kissed you again, kissing your neck with his smooth lips. His calloused fingertips were under the robe, brushing your skin when you giggled feeling his boner against your lower stomach. “I missed you,” you smirked, gasping when he licked your ear, humming happily, “And I was thinking that you have free time before rehearsals…About ten minutes.” He grinned when you tugged his hair, kissing his freckles when he beamed at you a bit flushed, “Ye bet I do, darlin’.”
Zayn: You took a deep breath, opening Zayn’s hotel room’s door. It was morning, nearly nine thirty, but he wasn’t woken up yet. Louis had laughed out loud when he had handed you the key to Zayn’s room, winking and shouting something dirty after you when you had ran to see your boyfriend. Zayn’s room was sunny, he hadn’t shut the blinds. He was lying on his stomach, eyes closed and black, long eyelashes resting on his cheeks. His tattoos were dark on his creamy skin, making you smile and kiss the one on his neck when you ripped off your clothes and slipped next to him. You smiled, feeling full again. After he had been away for so long you had felt so uncompleted and lonely, but now it was okay again. You were home. A wet kiss made you woke up from your slumber. You had fallen asleep tangled to Zayn who had apparently woken up. “Babe,” he hummed beaming, kissing you again with his full lips. His brown eyes were sparkling when he nuzzled closer to you, kissing you again. His big hands were resting on your sides when he pulled you closer, kissing every part of your face. “Hi,” you smirked, kissing him back when he hovered over you, beaming so happily you couldn’t but laugh at him. “You’re naked,” he hummed against your neck when he kissed it down to your breasts, smirking when he licked your gentle skin. “Only for you,” you giggled, moaning right after when he kissed your nipple, smiling darkly and lustfully. He giggled, biting down to your skin when you shredded, eyes rolling back when you arched your back, hands gripping his tattooed arms, leaving nail marks to his skin. “What a way to wake up, eh, boo?” he laughed when he kissed even lower, making you wince when your hands gripped his black, thick hair. He kissed your core with playful eyes when you moaned, unable to answer, “Thought so, boo.”

One Direction | Preferences
Fanfictiona range of one direction preferences to fill your little fangirl heart