You Have A Panic Attack A/N: Sorry for the tiny break I took, stuff has been happening that’s been kinda distracting. Panic attacks are one of my most despised things, so, yeah, I hope you enjoy this? :) x Niall: And it’s a completely unexpected one. One second you’re watching a movie with Niall, the next you can feel your shoulders tensing up, brain setting off alarm bells as the familiar panic washes over you. It’s hard to disguise, your breath rushing in and out of your lungs, hands shaking, even after your tangle them tightly in your lap. “You okay?” “Yep! Yeah,” your voice cracks even after the upbeat affirmative, and Niall’s smile turns concerned, placing his hand over your trembling ones, wrapping them in his, “You sure?” You manage a grin, although it’s slightly manic, “Positive.” He raises an eyebrow, but lets it go. Or so you think, because he’s pulling you tight against him, letting you press into his chest, burying your head in his shoulder and concentrating on breathing at the same time he does, your comfort without him having to say anything. Harry: You’ve dealt with them since you were a kid, and you can tell when it’s coming, your chest tightening, the overwhelming fear rearing up like a wave ready to crash down on you. You tend to distance yourself from everyone during them, locking yourself in your bedroom or the bathroom and squeezing your eyes shut and just trying to breathe through it. But Harry finds you, every time, once he spent half an hour picking the lock ,another he spent the whole time pressed against the door, begging you to let him in, before just soothing you through the wood, gaining your trust so that instead of going to an empty room, you begin to go to him. Liam: It happens in a hotel room, in the middle of a city you don’t know and a country you’ve never been to. Liam’s in the shower and you’re left to rock back and forth on the bed, knees pulled up to your chest as you press the heels of your hands into your eyes, although the tears still leak out, trailing down your cheeks. “(Y/N)? Hey, is everything okay?” Liam’s body is still damp from the shower as he gets onto the bed, crawling across to wrap you in his arms, “Babe, it’s okay, I’m here, it’ll be okay.” It’s terrifying and your heart is thudding against your ribcage, but Liam’s sturdy and strong, a weight resting against you, anchoring you back down to earth. Louis: It starts slow, little things, like the constant need to be doing something, putting your hair up, and then taking it down again. You pace and clean and snap at Louis to turn the television down, and he knows what’s happening immediately. But he can’t stop it now, he just stays on high alert, watching you as you slowly build it up, and then he hears the bedroom door close, a sure sign the panic has taken over and you’re balled up under the bedcovers. He walks in quietly, making sure not to make much noise, and slides in with you, turning your body over so you can press into him, the material of his t-shirt gripped in your fingers as you cry, Louis reassuring you the whole time, murmuring and pressing kisses and promising that everything’s going to be okay, bringing you back to calm. Zayn: He doesn’t really know how to handle it, to be honest, he just follows you into the bathroom where you’ve shut yourself in, peeking in with big, worried brown eyes and finding you in the empty bathtub, rubbing your eyes and rocking yourself back and forth, breaths coming in sharp gasps. “Babe?” “Can you leave me alone for a bit, Z?” you manage to say, weak and trembling, but he climbs into the tub with you anyway, and he sits opposite you as the panic reaches a peak and your chest practically caves in with the fear of it all. He watches and waits, because he’s pretty sure you don’t want to be touched right now, but as soon as the tears begin to slow, even a little bit, he’s right in there, shifting closer, tugging you forward and into his body, kissing your hair and promising that it’s all going to alright, everything’s going to be okay.

One Direction | Preferences
Fanfictiona range of one direction preferences to fill your little fangirl heart