‘As long as I remember where I’m from…’
A/N: Lyric from ‘Can’t Go Wrong’ by Phillip Phillips, and the song’s from possibly my favourite album of all time :) Feedback would be awesome! X
Niall: After an arena tour in America, Niall goes home, and you’re at the welcome home party, in a pretty sundress and not too much make up (which is such a lovely change from all the girls he’s been around recently, their faces caked in the stuff, you’re just simple and fresh, and it makes his heart swell), holding Greg and Denise’s new baby while also helping Maura prepare dinner, and it’s always been like that. You’ve always been in the orbit of this family, you’ve lived next door with your family for your whole life, and you were there when Niall sang for the first time with his guitar, and he was there when you tripped and skinned your knee and he carried you home, you don’t remember ever not knowing Niall. So to have you in that room that’s full of old friends and family members, is the only present he needs.
Harry: All of the boys have it bad, with constant bombardment of hate and rumours and gossip, but perhaps Harry has it the worse, and you’re the person he calls in the middle of the night when he can’t bring himself to get off the website full of insults directed towards him, or he can’t stop crying because the cruel words just keep swirling around and around in his head. You answer every time without fail, sleepy and soft, always miles away, whether he’s in London or New York, you’re always just out of reach, but close enough to murmur how much you love him and how proud of him you are in the early hours of the morning when this all seems too much, and it’s enough to send him to sleep, and his dreams are full of friendships that turn into something more.
Liam: You’re the teenage sweetheart, the one who’s got Liam’s back no matter what, even if you’re not in a relationship anymore. So, when it all seems too much, and the world’s spinning to fast, and he’s not even sure which country he’s in, let alone what day of the week it is, you’re the person he thinks of. Wrapping himself in the hotel duvet until the bed slightly resembles a cocoon, he can close his eyes and breathe deep and pretend you’re right here. And sometimes, he pretends that you’re still in love with him, and instead of going home and getting a hug from you, he gets a kiss.
Louis: You’ve always been Louis’ little thing from home, his best friend that lived next door to him year in year out, through girlfriends and heartbreak and failed exams and dreams that seemed so far out of reach it was crazy. And every time he goes back, you’re right there, popping in to see him with a cake for Jay or a fresh batch of cookies, kissing his cheek and hugging him tight, murmuring a mess of words about how much you’ve missed him, how much you’re glad he’s here, and how proud you are. And always, always, his heart will twinge and he’ll hold on to you just that little bit tighter, because he’s pretty sure you were a missed opportunity, one of the worst he could miss.
Zayn: You’re Zayn’s rock, in a way. When he’s irritated and tired and facing over one hundred screaming fans outside the hotel, you’re the person he thinks of, and how you would scold him if he didn’t give the girls all he’s got because, for god’s sake, they’re the people who put him here, and he owes them big time. And you’re right, of course, you always are, and he walks through the hotel door and smiles and takes pictures and signs autographs and thanks people, and gets in the car and rests his head against the seat and wishes you were here with him.

One Direction | Preferences
Fanfictiona range of one direction preferences to fill your little fangirl heart