Louis: “It’s past midnight, Louis, we’ve got to get to bed now or we’re never going to.” Louis sighed as he turned off the laptop and put it away. “Would that be so bad if we never went to bed?” “We’d be sleeping all day tomorrow and not have time for anything else.” Louis groaned as he picked you up bridal style and brought you up to your shared bedroom as he laid you on the covers and you had to tuck yourself in before tucking him in as well. “Can you at least sing me to sleep, Louis? You haven’t sang for me lately and i wanna hear your voice again as i drift off to sleep.” He chuckled. “Whatever you ask, i’ll do for you, now here we go.”
Zayn: Your head laid on his chest and his steady rhythm of a heartbeat slowly drug you under to sleep. “(YN).” he murmured and your eyes barely opened and you were now somewhat awake. “Yeah?” “Have i told you lately how much i love you?” you tiredly laughed. “Yeah, just before we went to bed, why?” He leaned down and kissed the top of your head. “I just wanted to ask because i just wanted to tell you again, i feel like i don’t tell you enough.” You lift your head up barely and kiss him on the lips. “Zayn, you make me feel like a princess, that’s all i could ever ask for, i love you too, now let’s sleep, okay?” “Okay.”
Niall: His lips were at your ear, softly singing your favorite songs to you. Your eyes were closed, but you weren’t quite asleep yet, you loved hearing him sign and knowing that he was singing just for you, took you over the moon. “Asleep yet?” he asked as if he knew that you were still awake, thoughts swarming your pretty mind. “Not quite, enjoying hearing your voice again. It gets lonely when you’re on tour.” He nodded and soothingly rubbed your back. “I agree, want me to sing some more or do you want to talk before sleep?” “Sing, please?” “As you wish my beautiful princess, what would you like to hear?”
Harry: A movie was playing on the television but Harry was already asleep and you were slowly dozing off, not even caring for the movie that rapidly went on as your eyes shut more. The only reason you had it on anyways was for the sounds, it soothed you, that and with Harry’s heartbeat under your ear, brought you closer to the peaceful world of sleep. “I love you Harry.” you whispered quietly as you finally closed your eyes for the final time that night, and just before unconsciousness hit you, you heard Harry’s sexy throaty voice. “Love you more, (YN), love you more.”
Liam: “And that was my day.” he finished telling you a story about what the boys did while at the studio and then you hit him with your own set of stories and that took quite a bit of time and the both of you were laughing before you yawned and he shook his head at you. “Great, now we’re both going to be yawning all night.” “Maybe it’s a sign.” you say through another yawn and Liam yawned as well and soon it was a fight on who would stop yawning first, you lost and finally you laid on Liam’s arm, using it as a pillow. “Good night, Liam, love you.” “Night, (YN), love you more. Sleep tight and sweet dreams.”

One Direction | Preferences
Fanfictiona range of one direction preferences to fill your little fangirl heart