He Has A Headache
A/N: I’m beginning to write every night again, which is a very good feeling for me, haha, and hopefully it benefits for you guys as well, because I’ll probably start everyday preferences again! :) x
Niall: His accent gets thicker, his movements slower as the pain builds and he’s still in a situation with a disturbing amount of noise, the lobby of the hotel with hordes of fans outside and milling around, an airport terminal with paparazzi and girls everywhere, or even just walking down the street. The headache usually brings a lethargic feeling with it, so he tends to want to get somewhere quiet and lie down, which is what you try and do straight away, mumbling to Paul that it’s probably best to get in the car sooner rather than later, finally getting him up into a silent hotel room where he can curl up under the covers and play with your hair before he falls asleep.
Harry: Harry gets headaches a lot, from all the screaming and pressure and things he needs to do and people talking to him, and so he’s become skilled at hiding them, soldiering on, but you can always tell. His smile tends to tighten up a bit, his eyes gloss over, and he touches his head a lot more, plays with his hair, rubs the nape of his neck. You don’t want to coddle him, make him embarrassed or like he can’t deal with things, so you fix it in small ways, offering him tall glasses of water, suggesting a nap that the both of you can take, eliminating as many sources of sound as you can, and sometimes even, you just stay near him, your presence reassuring him, proving that even the little things help.
Liam: But he tries to hide it. Insisting that he’s fine and laughing at your concern, kissing your cheek and giving you quick hug before changing the subject. But the signs are all there, flinching away from loud noise, closing his eyes against bright light, constantly rubbing his temple, so you manage to get him away and out of the party without him really noticing, not that he’s in much of a position to stop you at this point, the headache quickly building to a migraine. You get him home, tucking him up in bed with a glass of water and a cup of tea, running your cold fingers through his hair, soothing him into a healing sleep.
Louis: Louis being grumpy is a sure sign he’s in pain. He’ll snap and mutter things under his breath, and you have to just let him be, let him work it out of his system, before approaching him. Usually you present him with a mug of tea, settling him on the couch and making him sit in one place and drink it, sitting pressed against his side so as to give as much of your body heat to him as possible. He’ll mellow out then, sipping the hot liquid and kissing your hair and murmuring apologies, (“Sorry, sorry, sorry. M’just tired and my head hurts. I’m really sorry.”)
Zayn: Zayn’s just snarky. That’s basically all it is. He rubs his head and grumbles and flops around until eventually you catch onto what’s happening and hand him so aspirin and a glass of water. He refuses at first, feeling too wretched to do anything about the headache, but you manage to get him sitting up and taking the pain relief. “Here, Zayn, my fingers are cold, I’ll massage your head.” He smiles, nodding, lips brushing your jaw before he rests his head in your lap as a thank you, letting you rub his scalp gently as the medication kicks in.

One Direction | Preferences
Fanfictiona range of one direction preferences to fill your little fangirl heart