5: Christmas Movies
Niall: Your Christmas sock clad feet bumped into Niall’s on the coffee table. He grinned and nudged your foot back, his sleepy eyes smiling at you. You had to admit, looking at his long legs next to your made you grin. But what was even cuter was the matching Christmas socks you both had on. He didn’t protest when you’d given them to him, in fact he was more than happy to wear them. He was even happier to watch Christmas movies with you tonight. When you requested to watch ‘A Year Without Santa Clause’ he agreed, wrapping you up in his arms content to hold you all night long. It was awful outside, freezing cold and snowing. What a better way to warm up than with his best girl? He thought it was pretty damn cute that you knew all the words to the songs and how you matched your voice to theirs. He smiled as you sang, your head on his shoulder. “He’s mister green Christmas…” you sang, feet rocking back and forth to the music. He joined, both your feet moving in time to the movie on the coffee table you and laughed. He linked his rough fingers through yours and smiled. If anyone asked Niall what happiness was, he’d simple say this: your soft voice, a pint in his hand, a movie on the telly and you cuddled close and safe in his arms.
Harry: "This movie gets funnier every time I watch it," he laughed, stuffing popcorn into his mouth. Chevy Chase was sitting in the attic, teal gloves on and a mink coat while he cried his eyes out at joke movies. Christmas Vacation was a classic favorite and Harry was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes. "Do me a favor," he asked, laugh dying on his lips as the scene ended. "Hmm?" You asked grabbing some more popcorn and your eyes on the screen. "Don’t be let me do that when we have kids," he said it so naturally- as if he was asking how the weather was that you choked. "Really?" You rasped, trying to swallow the last of the kernels. "Yes, I don’t want their kids to be ashamed of their dad in teal gloves," he snorted, humor and mood light. "No I mean, about having kids with me?" Your eyes were on his face and now and slowly he turned his head. "I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life." You could tell by the expression on his face that you meant it and he took your hand. "I want to take so many home movies of our kids," he continued on as he dreamt aloud. "I don’t want to miss a single thing."
Liam: He had seen Elf, like, at least a million times but he could never turn it off. There was something about this movie he loved and never tired of. Maybe it was how it made you smile and laugh, that might have something to do with it. You just walked into the room and you paused, listening to Liam recite all the lines. You poked your head around the corner, your big bad boyfriend curled up by the fire and grinning like an idiot at Will Ferrel. It was so good to have him home for the holidays, the house finally felt like a home. He had wanted to do whatever he could with you this year, Liam had a philosophy to live every moment as his last. He didn’t know what next year would bring as far as the tour went- but he did know that you’d be right there next to him. Maybe that’s why he’d been in such a great mood this holiday. Liam would make sure he spent every Christmas with you. You walked into the room and he grinned opening his arms up for you. “Then we’ll eat a whole roll of till house cookies then we’ll snuggle!” He said finishing on a yell and pulling you into his arms and raining soft, sweet kisses on your face.
Louis: It wasn’t Christmas if Louis didn’t get to watch Home Alone. He kicked off and ended every Christmas season with this movie. It’d been a tradition since he was about ten and he never shared this sacred event with anyone. Except you. You didn’t fully grasp the severity of this event until Louis walked into the room, eyes somber and a frown on his lips. “Let it be known,” he announced to the almost empty living room where you sat. “This Christmas is different than any other. Because this year, I have you.” You grinned and sunk down into his couch as he sat next to you. “If you watch this movie, you must promise to watch it with me every Christmas until I am old and gray and no longer know how to work a DVD player. ” you blinked at him, waiting for him to laugh but he was perfectly serious. “Okay,” you said slowly. “You have to promise, okay? You can’t leave,” there was something you’d never seen in his eyes when he said that and your heart broke. “I promise to watch this movie with you until your old and gray and can no longer work a DVD player.” He smiled and planted a smacking kiss to your lips. When he slid the DVD in and turned to face you, he slapped his hand to his cheeks and screamed- just like Kevin did in the movie- and you laughed. How could you ever want anything else for Christmas when you had Louis?
Zayn: He didn’t much care what he was watching. He had you tucked up under his arm and that was all that mattered to him to be honest. He could be watching infomercials for six hours. He didn’t care. But luckily- and thankfully- you were watching The Grinch. “I don’t think anyone could ever do this better than Jim Carey,” you said watching him wriggle down a chimney. Zayn just nodded, more content to watch than speak. He did this every year with his mum and sisters. But this year, you’d be invited to come over during the holidays. You blended well into the family, Zayn knew that from the start. “It’s so good to have you here,” his mom said, unmistakable happiness in her eyes. “It’s so nice to have you as part of the family,” you blushed to your toes and Zayn kissed your temple. He could hear the thoughts in your head: you were a part of the family, not really. He shot a glare to his mum and shook his head. She’d almost spoiled his plans to propose on Christmas Eve. “Zayn, when you and (y/n) have kids, don’t name them any of these silly names,” his youngest sister said. You laughed and Zayn have you a squeeze. “I already have baby names planned,” he said keeping his eyes on the screen. When he felt you tense he kissed your cheek. “I have my whole life planned-and you’re in every moment.”
I reckon the lads would be really cute when they prepare for Christmas... *sigh*
Kimberley xx

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