Niall: You breathed deeply, pain slashing through your body. You couldn’t move a limb or open your eyes when you laid on something soft, heart beating steadily against your bruised chest. You had no idea where you were, only remembering the bright car lights before everything went black. Everything was still black, but not in a scary way anymore. Soft touch made your hand tingle. Something soft brushed your palm and over your knuckles with familiar, loving strokes. Familiar calloused fingertips brushed your hand again, drawing soft patterns to your aching skin. Niall. You could hear his breathing near you. It was heavier than usually, making you wonder why, before hearing a muffled sob. He was crying. Your heart sank a bit of an image of him crying next to you. You hated when he cried, and now you were the reason. It hurt you worse than the accident. You took another breath, trying to get your eyes open with no luck. Nothing responded, only thing you could do was listen his silent sobs and feel his loving touch. “Please, please wake up, darlin’,” his hoarse voice begged near your ear. You could feel his soft lips on your ear, brushing as he spoke, “Please just open yer eyes. I don’t wana be without ye. I love ye.” With another breath you tried to open your eyes, with no luck once again. “Niall,” soft voice came from far away, “C’mon man, you need to eat something.” You could feel Niall’s grip of your hand tighten like he didn’t want to let go. “Nah. I’m not hungry. Ye go, I’ll be fine here with her by meself,” his voice was so drained, you felt your heart burst in to pieces. He was suffering just because you couldn’t open your eyes… A while later you could feel your toes. You didn’t know how long it had been, maybe minutes or hours, but at last you could move your feet and another while later, your eyes popped open. The room was dark but you could see Niall’s body next to your bed. He was hunched over a chair, eyes closed when he slept, blond hair messy and eyes swollen. He had teardrop patterns on his pale cheeks and his hand was still loosely gripping yours. He looked miserable. “Niall,” you said with barely audible voice, “Ni.” His eyelids fluttered lightly, eyes opening slowly when he looked around with his blue eyes. He was disorientated, lips turning in to a frown when he gaped to the doorway. You felt awful seeing his normally so carefree eyes full of agony and worry. “Ni,” you whispered hoarsely again, making his eyes snap to look at yours. His pink lips gaped when he breathed quickly, eyes filling with tears. “Y/N,” he breathed, looking at you with wide eyes. You smiled lazily, stroking his clammy hand, “Hi.” Before you could blink, he was hugging you close in the bed, loud sobs filling the air. “H-holy shit, ye’re alive! Me love is alive! I was so scared! Ye were so close! I thought I’d lose ye. Thank god…” his sobs rocked your body, making your eyes fill with tears as well. “I’m sorry babe, I’m fine now! You don’t need to worry anymore, I’m not going anywhere.”
Liam: You giggled, singing loudly with the car radio. Liam was driving, eyes squinting when he laughed to your horrific car singing. “Stop laughing, not everyone can make a career out of singing,” you teased, still bursting in to giggles when you opened the chorus with high pitched wails. Liam’s laughter echoed in the car, making you roll your eyes when he shook his head, “You’re so cute love, you have no idea.” You smiled, smacking his arm a little before starting another song with humming loudly. You loved long car rides with Liam. They were always full of laughter and jokes, sometimes after long days when you drove back home you’d talk about everything from future to past. It was time you had just for two of you and no one could intrude. Liam smirked, looking at you lovingly when you stopped to red lights. His brown eyes were sparkling when he bite his lip, watching your singing. “I love you,” he chuckled, reaching to take your hand on his big warm one. Before he could reach it, a loud screeching noise interrupted your intimate moment, pulling you apart. Everything happened so fast it was just a big blur. A van crashed to your car’s back, sending you and Liam to bolt forward. Adrenaline shot through your body, calming your trembling nerves the minute your car stopped spinning. Liam’s brown eyes were wide, knuckles white when he clutched the wheel like his life was depending on it. “Are you okay?” He asked frantically when he could open his mouth from a shock. His eyes were restless and worried, matching to every feeling you felt inside. “I think so,” you answered, voice trembling when you moved your limbs. Nothing seemed broken, only bruised, “You?” Liam nodded quickly, breathing quickly when he still clutched the wheel. There was people surrounding your car, trying to help you, but Liam just clutched the black object with his strong hands. You had gotten out of your car, moving to help Liam who hadn’t moved an inch. “Liam, babe?” you whispered, voice shaking when you touched his cheek with your hand. His eyes were wide and afraid when he turned to look at you. You forced his hands off the wheel, taking them in yours, giving them a gentle squeeze. “We’re okay,” he breathed suddenly, crashing you to his arms. His long, tattooed arms wrapped around you, squeezing almost painfully when he hugged you close, silent sobs rocking his body, “I thought for a while that we’d die. I thought you’d die and I’d be forced to live here by myself.” You gasped, looking up to his teary eyes. Your hand rested on his stubbly cheek, thumb rubbing his worry lines when tears spilled over both of your eyes. “We’re fine Liam, we’re okay. It’s just a memory now, nothing happened. We’re fine.”

One Direction | Preferences
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