Harry: “Woah, woah, woah!” he screamed out and your daughter slammed on the breaks of the car, halting the car immediately and Harry breathed deeply holding the handle on the top of the car. “What was wrong, dad?” “You were driving way too fast, slow down before we die!” he got out and took a few more relaxing breaths so his heartbeat would return to normal. “I was doing just fine dad.” she tried but Harry shook his head. “Oh no you weren’t, but practice makes perfect and today’s your first day driving, so, um, yeah, get out. We’re switching seats.”
Liam: “Ouch! Slow down!” you yell at your dog who was pulling you as you were trying to take him for a walk. Liam laughed. “You’re the one who wanted another dog, (YN), i just wanted to remind you of that.” “Yeah, yeah, you’re the one who picked out a running dog when i wanted a small little practically pocket sized dogs.” “Those aren’t dogs.” he replied and you scoffed. “They may look like teddy bears or babies Liam but they’re still cute and adorable and i want one so bad!”
Niall: “Slow down Niall, since when did you run so god damn fast?” you ask as you kneel down trying to catch your breath after agreeing to go with your loving boyfriend for a morning jog as an attempt for a healthier life for yourself. “When’s the last time you ran with me?” he asked and you thought about it in your head before you answered him. “Never.” “Exactly, i’ve been running for a while now, gotten pretty fast. Now, if you run with me more, maybe i’ll have to catch up to you someday.”
Louis: “Louis, slow down, what the hell has gotten into you?” Liam asked in the studio one day and Louis whipped the headphones off his head and marched out of the room and to the boys. “Okay, (YN) and I had another fight okay?” “You’re rushing the songs, maybe you should take a break, take a deep breath.” Louis ignored Zayn’s suggestion and groaned. “I’ve just got to slow everything down, (YN) and i are just racing for time before the tour and it’s hurting us!” Zayn put a hand on his shoulder. “Leave, go talk to (YN), work this out, she needs you more then we need you.”
Zayn: “Slow down Carmen.” Zayn yelled out at your toddler as she ran into the park for the swings in which Zayn quickly caught up to her and put her on the swing, showing her how to hold onto the sides as tight as she could so she didn’t fall off. “By myself?” she asked and Zayn realized his baby girl was growing up in front of his eyes. “Yeah, but do me a favor too?” “What?” “Slow down on growing up, you’re growing up to fast. I want you to stay little, can you stay little?” She shrugged her tiny shoulders. “I can try!” Zayn laughed. “That works for me.”

One Direction | Preferences
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