Surprise Kisses

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Surprise Kisses

A/N: I don’t know, I think this is kind of cute? I hope you’re having a lovely day :) Feedback would be awesome X

Niall: You cross your legs beneath you, taking a much needed breath, pausing in your story and swallowing before beginning again. Niall’s seated opposite you, rather amused by your story telling abilities as you ramble on about one of your classmates adventures with the guy she’s crushing on. “And then, so, she goes up to him and she’s like -” Niall’s head dips forward, nudging his lips against yours, a hand cradling the back of your head as he coaxes your surprised mouth open, before pulling back when you’re panting slightly, your fingers curled into his shirt, smirking as he adjusts his snap back and settles back down. “You were saying?” You blink, shocked, before taking a breath and relaxing, starting up your story again, leading to Niall jerking across the couch again to collide with you, because he can never resist your voice. 

Harry: Harry comes home sad. It’s not abnormal, but it’s not normal either, for him to come in, shoulders slumped, eyes downcast, adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows repeatedly, croaking out an exhausted, ‘hi’. You look up from where you’re seated in an armchair, computer in your lap, and your stomach immediately drops in concern, “Harry… what happened?” “Not much,” he sighs, dropping onto the couch, resting his head against the back, eyes falling closed. “Just the fans. They’re so invasive. Like, why would you want to take my beanie? It’s just a beanie.” He goes to continue, but you’re already crossing the room, sitting in his lap and kissing his eyelids gently, which flutter open, the corners of his mouth turning up, “Um…hello.” You laugh, kissing the tip of his nose, “Hi, I thought you might need some cheering up.” He nods, and pouts, tapping his lips with one finger. You have no hesitations with obeying the signal.

Liam: You wake up to soft lips pressing to your jaw, brushing over your cheek, and you laugh quietly, hands slipping over the warm skin of Liam’s back, “Li, what are you doing?” He hums, nose nudging your temple as he presses a kiss to your forehead, mouth trailing over to the other side of your face, which he treats with equal tenderness. “Good morning, love you.” The words are spoken low and quiet, a certain roughness to his voice which comes with waking up, and as he nuzzles into your neck, biting gently at the skin there, you cave into him, letting your body relax into his, “Love you, too.” 

Louis: Louis’ watching an old Skin’s episode, sprawled out on the couch in sweatpants and a white t-shirt, unshaven and sleepy, eyelids heavy. You’re watching from the floor, back resting against the bottom of the sofa, computer in your lap as you idly scroll through your dash while half watching the television. “(Y/N)?” You hum in response, glancing over at Louis to find him smiling softly at you, “Kiss me.” You laugh, but dutifully get up as he shifts over to make room, allowing you to lie down beside him, slipping a hand onto his hip beneath his shirt, his skin hot and smooth. He’s still smiling as he dips his head, eyes crinkled as your lips collide gently, a lazy day spent wrapped in each other.

Zayn: You’re stirring the pasta when you hear footsteps coming up behind you, arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you back slightly into his chest, soft lips coming to rest on your exposed shoulder. “Hi,” you laugh, and Zayn’s mouth smiles against your neck as he plants gentle kisses along the trail he’s making up as he goes along, trailing over to your jaw, which he nips at teasingly. “‘Lo, baby.” “I’m cooking.” “Don’t care,” he mumbles, tucking the tips of his fingers into the waistband of your jeans. “Zayn, seriously,” you begin, but he’s already spinning you around, his hands slotting into place either side of your face, his eyes looming tantalizingly close. “Love you,” he whispers, dipping down to plant a careful kiss on your parted lips, and you sigh into his mouth, giving in, “Love you, too.” 

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