A Weaker Version (Part 4)

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A Weaker Version (Part 4)

One Shot #9 (Cont.)

Maui's POV

The next day...

    I've been doing a lot of talking with Moana these past couple of days and I've come to realize something, that something being that Moana is actually the first sincere mortal I've crossed paths with my whole life. I just knew there was something different about her that moment I met her. The way she wasn't afraid of me like everyone else. Despite her slight annoyance at my actions, I actually think she enjoys me company, which makes me happy. In fact, this may sound crazy, but I may be developing a little crush on Moana. I know it's silly because I've known her for a few days, but I don't care. When all of this is over, I'd like to take her out on a date, well if she lets me of course. I'm not going to mention it until after we defeat Te Ka.

   "So Moana, we're only a day out from Te Fiti. How are you feeling?" She looks up at me, surprised by my question. "Well to be honest with Maui, I'm actually really nervous. I have the weight of the world on my shoulders as do you, but you've been all sorts of voyages and missions, but I haven't. I don't want to screw this up." "You're not going to screw it up Moana. You know how I can tell?" She shakes her head no. "I can tell because of your bravery. You didn't so much as bat an eye when you came face to face with me. You could have reacted as everyone else would, in fear, but you didn't. Instead, you stood up to me. I respect that Moana." She gives me an expression of shock and gratitude. "Thank you Maui. I didn't know you thought so highly of me. I didn't know anyone did for that matter. Everyone back home just sees me as a silly ocean loving girl who's unfit to be the chief of the village she's lived on her whole life."

    "Moana, you're incredible and you deserve to be told that more." She blushes. "I didn't know Maui, demigod of the wind and sea, had such a sweet side to him." I blush back. "I'm only sweet to those who I consider special. You happen to be one of those people I find special." Moana wraps her arms around me. I think she's trying... to hug me. I can't be sure though because I don't know the feeling of a warm embrace. "Moana are you hugging me?" "Yes Maui, I'm hugging you. Why do you ask?" I scratch the back of my head awkwardly. "Well.. it's just... I've never been hugged before. Though I have to say, it feels pretty nice." "We'll just have to change that now won't we?" I smile. "I sure hope so." 

Hoped that you guys liked this part of this one shot! Also, I just wanted to say thank you so much for over 1,000 reads already You guys are amazing <3 :) -Mary

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