We Don't Always Get A Happy Ending

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We Don't Always Get A Happy Ending

One Shot #2

Maui's POV

 Before I met Moana and became a changed man, I made a lot of mistakes. A lot of those mistakes happen to involve me being a trickster to several gods and creatures from down below. Of all of them, the one I've screwed with the most is Tamatoa. He's tried to get revenge on me countless times, including by trying to hold Moana captive a couple of times, in which I've had to rescue her. That's not even the worst of it though. When I first started dating Moana, I had a moment of weakness with my ex girlfriend Aphrodite, who's often know as the goddess of love. She came by Montonui during the night while Moana was sleeping to visit me. During the visit, she threw herself onto me without warning and started making out with me. Me being the idiot that I am, I didn't try to stop her, but instead continued to make out with her. 

   I'm currently in Tamatoa's lair, practically begging him not to spill that secret. "Tamatoa, I know I've done a lot of messed up shit to you, but I'm begging you, please don't tell Moana. I've hurt her enough over the years, but if she finds about this mistake, it'll shatter her. She'll view me as the monster that many still see me as." Tamatoa rolls his eyes and laughs. "You should have thought about that before." Tears begin to prickle at the corners of my eyes, but I turn my back to Tamatoa so he doesn't see me cry. "Please. There must be something I can say or do to change your mind." Tamatoa crawls towards me and picks me up with a claw, getting me to look at him whether I want to or not. "Maui, you begging me not to tell Moana is pathetic. I happen to like Moana a lot more than I like you so I won't tell her... yet. Though if you don't tell her soon, I will. That poor girl has been through enough heartbreak. No wonder why she's afraid of love." 

    A lump forms in my throat. As much as I can't stand Tamatoa, I know that he's right. Moana deserves to know the truth. I glare into Tamatoa's eyes. "Boy do I hate you." He snorts. "Hate me all you want, but I can tell you realize that I'm right. Now get to Moana before I do." I leave Tamatoa's lair and head back to Montonui.

 Two days later...

   I manage to get back to Moana within two days. She's sitting on the boat dock, splashing her feet in the water. When she sees me, she stands up straight and grins at me. I can feel my hands and legs shake as I tie up to the boat to the dock. That grin that's plastered on her face is going to turn into a frown and/or a sneer in just a matter of moments. I try to take it in because this easily may well be the last time I ever see it. 

   "Maui, there you are! I'm so happy you're back! I know it's only been two days and you left a note and all, but I've really missed you." My heart begins to ache. I try to put on a smile, but Moana can tell it's forced. Concern immediately washes over her. "Maui, what's wrong?" I open my mouth to speak, but instead a sob escapes from my mouth. She puts a hand to my face. "Aw Maui. Please talk to me love." "I want to Moana, but you're going to hate me after this." "Whatever it is Maui, just say it. We'll find a way to deal with it." "You won't want to deal with me after I tell you, but I'll tell you because I need to be honest with you. When we first starting dating two months ago, I got a visit from an old flame in the middle of the night. You were sleeping. I happened to be up because it was one of those nights where I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried." 

    I can see panic spreading across Moana's face and fear rises within me. I know she's going to leave me after I tell her everything. "That old flame happens to be the goddess of love, Aphrodite. Apparently she still had feelings for me, despite us being through for a hundred years. She threw herself at me that night. She even kissed me... with tongue." Moana stumbles back, clutching her chest. "Did you stop her?" I don't look at Moana but rather through her as she asks me that dreaded question. I also can't get myself to answer her. My evergrowing silence seems to be answer enough as her face contorts into one of sadness. "You didn't stop her. In fact, you returned the gesture. We haven't even been dating that long and you've already managed to cheat on me. God how could I have been so stupid? I'm just a silly mere mortal girl. I knew that I was never going to be enough, yet I allowed myself to fall in love with you. I had this fear in the back of my mind that this moment was going to happen at some point, though I just didn't expect it to be so soon." 

     I reach out to Moana. "I can't even begin to tell you how sorry and stupid I was. I should have broken off that kiss and sent Aphrodite back on her away, but I didn't." Moana looks down at the ground for a moment and bites her lip before looking back up, though not making eye contact with me. "I think you need to go Maui." A gasp comes out of my mouth instantly and I can feel my heart digging it's own grave. "You don't mean that Moana. I know what I did was horrible beyond words, but after all we've been through, you can't do this to me, to us..."

      "You said it yourself Maui, after all we've been through. After all we've been through and yet you still manage to find new ways to hurt me and break my heart. I'm done. I deserve so much better than this." More tears slip down my face. "You sure do Moana. I promise I'll leave. Though before I do, I just want you to know that I love you so much and I'm always going to be in love with you. I'm never going to love another woman. I'm even going to wait for you in case the day comes where you do forgive me and want to give us another try. I don't expect you to feel that way anytime soon though." I bend down and give Moana one last peck on the lips. "I'm never going to forget you Moana. You changed both me and my heart." 

     I shift into my hawk form, take one last look at Moana, and fly away. I guess what they say about life is true, we don't always end up with the people we want to end up with. We also don't always get a happy ending. I definitely don't deserve one. 

Hoped that you guys liked this one shot! I'm sorry it's so sad, but I promise that all of them won't be this sad. :) -Mary 

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