Logo Te Pate

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Logo Te Pate

One Shot #20

Maui's POV 

  Moana and I are about to battle Te Ka. It's crazy how just yesterday we met for the first time, but now we're coming to the end of our voyage of restoring the heart. On this voyage, I've gotten to know Moana very well and vice versa. In addition, I've started to develop feelings for Moana. I know that it's wrong, but I can't help it. I'm drawn to her. After we defeat Te Ka, I'm going to man up and tell her how I feel. My feelings are consuming me and I can't wait too much longer.

    I snap out of my thoughts and make my way down from the top of the sails to talk her. She stares up at me. "What?" I smile. "I've figured it out. The ocean used to love when I pulled up islands because your ancestors sail our seas and find them. All those new lands,  new villages, it was the water that connected them all. And if I were the ocean, I think I'd be looking for a curly haired, nonprincess, to start that again." She looks at me at in shock. "That's literally the nicest thing you've ever said to me." She smiles adorably. "You probably should have saved that for Te Fiti." I gaze her at fondly, before extending an arm out. "I did. Moana of Montonui, I believe you have officially delivered Maui across the great sea." I whisper chant in her ear. "Moana, Moana, Moana, you're so amazing." Moana giggles, causing my heart to skip a beat. "It's time." 

    I reach a palm out which Moana places the heart into. It glows at my touch. Within viewing distance, fire lights up on Te Fiti. I twist my neck, grab my fishhook, and prepare to shift into my hawk form. Before I do, Moana lightly touches my arm with a smile. "Go save the world." I give her a smile back, shift into my hawk form, and fly off. 

    As soon as I get in the air, Te Ka blasts me a fireball that hits me right in the heart, burning through my skin. I land on the boat with a loud thud. Moana looks at me in panic. "Maui, Maui, what happened?" I scream out in pain. "Te Ka hit me with a fireball and now it's infecting my system." I hold a hand up to my head. "I don't feel so good." I say before I bend over and throw up in the ocean. The ocean makes a sound of disgust. "I'm sorry ocean." The ocean sighs, but nods understandingly. I grab a hold of Moana gently. "Listen Moana, this fireball is infecting me quite fast and based on how fast I'm weakening, I might not make it. I just wanted to tell you that I really like you. I know it's wrong for me to have feelings for you, given that you're a mortal and so young, but I can't help it. You made me feel again, which is something I haven't been able to do in two thousand years." 

    A tear trickles down Moana's cheek and I use my thumb to wipe it away. "Maui, don't talk like that. Everything's going to be fine. I need you to stay with me. Her voice begins to break."I can't do this without you Maui." I put a hand up to her cheek. "Yes you can. You changed me Moana. At least I can leave this world knowing that I fell for a wonderful girl and became a better person." She begins to sob. "I didn't even get the chance to tell you that I like you too." I smile fondly up at her. "You just did." Slowly, but surely, I feel the infection take over my body completely, causing my skin to turn to ash and the lack of oxygen to come about. I take my last breath in Moana's arms and fade away from the world. 

Moana's POV

   Anger and sadness mix within me. This isn't fair. Maui came so far on this voyage. He became the demigod and person he was destined to be, but Te Ka ended his life, just like that. I'm going to defeat Te Ka and get justice. I sail to Te Fiti and battle Te Ka myself. I manage to do all of her fireballs and slam the heart into her. She roars a frightening roar before crumbling to ash, revealing a stunningly beautiful Te Fiti. "Te Fiti, I know that this is the wrong time to ask for favors, but I need you to bring Maui back to life, please." I fall to my knees and cry. "When you were Te Ka, you shot him with a fireball so intense that it managed to end his life in a matter of minutes. He changed so much on our voyage. He's a hero now." 

    Te Fiti opens her mouth to speak, which baffles me a bit because based on the legends, she hasn't been known to speak aloud. "I know Moana. I also see the way you feel about him. You like him don't you?" I nod and blush, my cheeks becoming crimson red. "I'm going to bring him back to life." Te Fiti uses some kind of energy to that makes Maui's lifeless body fly in the ear. She then zaps him a few times before gently placing him down on the ground. I stare up at Te Fiti in awe, who motions for me to look at Maui. I do and relief literally floods through me when I see Maui beginning to wake up. I run into his arms. 

   "Maui, Maui, Maui!" He smiles at me affectionately. "Did you really think I was going to die? I'm Maui, demigod of the wind and sea, hero to all. Some fireball wasn't going to keep me down for long." I laugh. "I see you're back to your usual self, but I'm not the one who brought you back, Te Fiti was." Te Fiti gives me a small smile and he thanks her gratefully. In return for his sincere gratitude, Te Fiti takes his cracked fishhook and fixes it. Maui looks from her to me with an adorable grin on his face. 

     Maui and I then say our goodbyes to Te Fiti and head back to the boat. When we get to it, Maui pulls me close to him and kisses me tenderly. His lips are rough around the edges, but soft on the inside. The perfect combination in my opinion. When we pull apart, I lean my forehead against his. "Don't ever die on me again Maui." He gazes deeply into my eyes. "I'll try my best love." 

Hope that you guys liked this one shot! Just to let you guys know, I'm leaving for North Carolina tomorrow afternoon so this might be my last update for a few days. Please don't think I'm abandoning these one shots because I would never do that. :) -Mary 

Moana and Maui: A Series Of One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now