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Emily's POV
After that Allison Argent girl showed up to Courtney's dinner at Spencer's Alison suggested that we leave.
The whole ride home Alison has been quiet and it's getting pretty weird, I guess I'll have to break the silence.
-ALI WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT? WHO WAS THAT GIRL? I quietly ask trying not to wake Courtney.
Alison sighs and continues to look out the window ignoring my questions.
-ALISON? I say taking several glances at her while watching the road.
Still no answer.
I roll my eyes at her knowing that she won't answer my questions.
Once we pull into our driveway I unbuckle Courtney from her car seat, pick up the sleeping child and carry her to the door.
-HERE BABE TAKE COURT I say to Alison, handing her the baby so I can unlock the door.
When I pull my keys out from my purse I realize that the door is slightly opened and the lock is broken.
-ALI I whisper still staring at the door.
-HMM? Alison hums looking up at me confused.
I incline my head towards the door showing the broken lock and Alison's eyes grow wide.
-TAKE COURTNEY AND GO BACK TO THE CAR I whisper again so I won't draw any attention to us.
Alison automatically grabs my arm before I could open the door all the way.
-EMILY NO, LETS JUST CALL THE POLICE she says with fear in her eyes.
I turn back around to kiss Alison and Courtney before whispering again.
-IF I'M NOT BACK IN FIVE MINUTES CALL 911 AND GET OUT OF HERE I say looking at Alison while trying to release my hand from her grip.
Alison gives me a pointed look as our eyes make conversation.
No Emily Come on!
Ali just go!
I'm not leaving without you!
-GO! I whisper yell gently pushing her.
Alison starts to walk back to the car before turning back around to look at me.
"I LOVE YOU, NOW GO" I mouth to her.
As soon as I see Alison and Courtney safe in the car with the doors locked I take one deep breath and enter the house.
I slowly shut the door behind me and walk into the kitchen to grab a knife.
Carefully walking around the house I notice that everything is still intact and nothing is missing.
I turn my attention to the patio and see a note.
Open me!
I open the note and begin to read the print.
Hush hush your gonna die,
No one will hear when you scream and cry.
I'm coming for what's mine and I'm taking it with me,
I'm right behind you turn around and see.
Still holding onto the knife I slowly start to turn around.
To my surprise when I turn around no one is there.
I close my eyes and release a breath.
I quickly rush into Courtney's room after hearing a loud crash.
As I search around the room I hear footsteps coming from behind me.
My eyes grow wide as I see the person standing in front of me with Alison in a choke hold.
-LET GO OF HER! I scream while watching Alison cry. ALI WHERE'S COURTNEY? I question.
-SHE'S STILL IN TH..THE CAR Alison stutters with tears pouring down her face.
Alison's POV
Five minutes have passed and Emily still hasn't come back.
I've tried calling the police but there is really no Tower signal around here.
I soon become impatient and I get out of the car to go check on Emily.
As I exit the car I grab my old taser that Jason got me and head over to the other side to grab Courtney.
I quickly put the taser down to pick up my daughter when I feel coldness of the steel against the back of my neck.
-LEAVE HER the person says now pulling me into a choke hold while walking into the house.
I know that voice. I think to myself.
-DAD? I question the person behind me. IS THAT YOU DADDY?
-SHUT UP ALISON AND KEEP WALKING He says pressing the gun deeper onto my neck.
I thought he was dead! I think to myself as I take several shaky breaths.
-PLEASE DON'T DO THIS DADDY I plead now crying.
As we walk around to the back door I can hear Courtney screaming and crying in the car.
-DAD I HAVE TO GET COURTNEY I say trying to move away from him.
-GO IN THE HOUSE OR I'LL SHOOT ALL THREE OF YOU my father says pushing me through the door.
As we walk into Courtney's room Emily shoots up turning around to face us.
Emily's eyes grow wide at the sight of my father standing behind me.
-LET GO OF HER! Emily screams now tearing up watching me cry. ALI WHERE'S COURTNEY? she asks.
-SHE'S STILL IN TH..THE CAR I stutter now sobbing.
-MR. DiLAURENTIS PLEASE LET HER GO Emily pleads with sad eyes.
-SHE'S MINE! he shouts removing the gun from the back of my neck pointing it to Emily.
Emily backs up and throws her hands up in surrender.
My eyes find their way to Emily's while my father points the weapon at her.
Seconds after our mental conversation i quickly nudge my fathers side and begin to run out of the room.
When he winches in pain he turns around and pulls the trigger shooting bullets in every direction.
As soon as he turns around Emily picks up Courtney's thick Ariel lamp smashing it over his head.
Once he falls to the floor Emily picks up his gun now pointing it at him.
As I lay under the table I see him slowly start to move.
-EMILY SHOOT! I scream.
Emily starts to panic letting her chest rise and fall at a fast pace.
She still doesn't shoot.
Seconds later I flinch at the sound of several rounds being fired.
I peek from underneath the table and see Emily standing in shock with her mouth wide open getting ready to cry.
I quickly sprint over to her and hug her tightly as she sobs into my shoulder.
Maybe 10 minutes after we both went outside to get Courtney we hear police sirens alarming from around the corner.
After being checked out by the paramedics we see the police rolling out a body bag placing it in the back of the ambulance truck.
Minutes later the girls come rushing to the scene hugging us and later taking us back to Spencer's.
-EMILY TALK TO ME PLEASE I say after putting Courtney in her pack n' play, laying down next to Emily.
Emily doesn't respond, instead she just crawls next to me and intertwines our fingers as she lays her head on my chest.
-I ALMOST LOST YOU TONIGHT Emily mumbles into my chest.
I gently rub my fingers through her dark locks before talking.
-NO, EMILY YOU DIDN'T I say scooting down to be at eye level with her. YOU'LL NEVER LOSE ME I add looking into her gorgeous brown eyes.
Emily looks at me and starts to cry.
-I LOVE YOU, ALI she says after placing a chaste but loving kiss on my lips.
-I LOVE YOU TOO EM I say before sliding back up to my pillow so Emily can lay her head back on my chest.
Emily finally calms down after listening to my heartbeat.
Her eyes begin to get heavy as she closes them, falling asleep with one arm draped over my stomach and one leg thrown over both of mine.
Tonight was a pretty rough night but this makes it all worth it.
My two girls, Emily and Courtney.
My future.

Sorry if this chapter sucks it was kinda last minute. I've been in the car on a road trip for the last 5 hours so I decided to update but I hope you enjoy.
P.S: you'll find out how Alison and Allison know each other soon.

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