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Alison's POV
-COURTNEY BABY, WE HAVE TO GO I say to my daughter as she straddles my lap and cries onto my shoulder while wrapping her little arms around my neck.
-NOOO Courtney cries out now squeezing me tighter.
Emily finishes packing our bags for Tulum, Mexico while our daughter sobs loudly.
It'll be the first time that I've actually left Courtney while traveling somewhere else.
I slowly pull Courtney back and gently pat her back to stop her crying as I wipe her stained red cheeks.
Courtney wipes her face on my shirt, drying her tears before staring up at me with her big blue eyes.
-NO NEAVE ME Courtney quietly whimpers beginning to cry again.
I take my eyes off of Courtney to look at Emily for a moment.
This is gonna be harder than I thought.
Emily grabs both of our toothbrushes and zips them up in a bag before walking over to pick Courtney up.
-AND WE'RE GONNA COME BACK AND WE CAN GO SEE ARIEL ON ICE OKAY? I add while placing a kiss on her head.
Courtney nods and wipes her eyes with her forearm before answering.
-OTAY she manages to sniffle out with a quivering poked out lip.
We both remove our bags from the bed and lie her down, tucking her in.
Courtney stares at the both of us for a while before speaking up again.
-MWOMMY ME SWEEPY Courtney tiredly states rubbing her eyes.
-GO TO SLEEP THEN CRAZY GIRL Emily teases before poking Courtney's stomach.
Courtney lets out a soft laugh and then points to her new little mermaid book.
I give her a wholehearted smile before grabbing the book and reading it.
Soon enough Courtney's eyes are closed as she holds onto one of Emily's teddy bears from when she was a kid.
-I LOVE YOU LITTLE ONE Emily says leaning down to kisses Courtney's forehead.
I gently swipe her wild curls from her face before repeating the same thing Emily did.
-MAMA LOVES YOU I whisper before we both get up and exit her room, leaving it opened just a tad.
We grab our bags before saying our goodbyes to Emily's parents and head to the airport.
Emily's POV
I figured that Alison was a little bummed out about leaving Courtney back in Rosewood, so I let her sleep during the plane ride.
It's only about fifteen minutes until we land in Mexico so I decided to wake Alison.
-ALI WAKE UP WE'RE ABOUT TO LAND I say while shaking her a little.
-NOO Alison groans with her eyes still closed.
I shake her once more before she's up.
-WE'RE HERE SLEEPING BEAUTY I mumble against her lips as I kiss her.
Alison rubs her eyes with her forearm like Courtney does and looks out the window.
-WHAT TIME IS IT? Alison questions in a adorable raspy voice.
-ITS A LITTLE PASS MIDNIGHT I say now looking down to view my phone. TWELVE TWENTY TWO TO BE EXACT I add.
We left Rosewood around 8:30 and the flight was only four hours so we arrived pretty quickly.
Once we land we're driven to the Azulik Treehouse Resort that my parents reserved for us.
We hop out of the uber and check into our room.
Alison's mouth suddenly drops as her eyes bulge out of her head.

Alison's mouth suddenly drops as her eyes bulge out of her head

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-EM Alison says breathlessly. IT'S BEAUTIFUL she adds.
I lay a quick peck on her lips and lead her up the stairs.
She then repeats the same thing she said ten seconds ago before we reached our room.
I give Alison a soft shove, pushing her back onto the bed now climbing on top of her.
-SO, HOW DOES IT FEEL? I ask as I string kisses down her neck.
-H..HOW DOES WH..WHAT FEEL? Alison stutters while shivering at my touch.
I giggle a little knowing the effect I have on her before responding.
-HOW DOES IT FEEL HAVING A NEW LAST NAME? I ask now making my way down underneath her dress.
Alison then pulls my head up to hers.
-I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE LAST NAME she says. I MEAN I LIKE IT BUT I LOVE THE FACT THAT I GET TO BE LABELED AS YOUR WIFE Alison states as the dimmed lights hit her clear blue eyes.
I slowly glide my thumbs across her cheeks before pulling myself in for a passionate kiss.
We continue kissing for a little while longer before cuddling into each other and falling asleep.
-EMILY I SWEAR YOU BETTER NOT! Alison screams as I stand in the ocean now lifting her up to dunk her.
-OR WHAT? I chuckle out still holding her over my shoulder.
Alison stays quiet for a minute making me smile more.
I quickly dunk her into the shallow water, falling down with her.
-EMILY! Alison shouts taking seaweed from her mouth.
I laugh uncontrollably as I stand up to help her.
-UGHH! YOU'RE NOT GETTING THIS Alison states pointing to her crotch area. FOR A WHILE she adds walking back to shore.
I let out a small giggle before tackling her to the sand.
-WHAT AREN'T I GETTING? I question now laying on top of her.
-YOU'RE NOT GETTING LAID ANY TIME SOON, NOW GET UP Alison demands trying to push me off.
A smirk then appears on my face as my hand finds it's way into Alison's bikini.
Good thing nobody's out here.
-YOU SURE ABOUT THAT? I ask while drawing circles onto her core with my fingers.
I start to get aroused as Alison begins to bite down on her bottom lip.
-EM STOP Alison moans out.
I raise one eyebrow at her comment and remove my hand.
-YOU WANT ME TO STOP? I ask looking in her eyes.
Alison doesn't respond, instead she just grabs my hand and puts it in her bottoms again while shaking her head no.
I take her actions as a no and start to play with her again.
-I DIDN'T THINK SO I seductively breathe out before attacking her lips earning more moans from the blonde.
After making Alison come undone two times, we hear someone coming so I help Alison up and we head back to our room.
I then run bath water, adding Alison's favorite bubble bath and get in washing sand and salt water from mine and Alison's body.
-I LOVE YOU ALISON LAUREN DiLAURENTIS FIELDS I state before kissing her neck and lips.
-I LOVE YOU TOO EMILY FIELDS Alison responds as she leans back onto my body relaxing in the lavender scented water.
After our bath Alison and I ate dinner with some other couples at the resort and then returned to our room.
Alison is asleep so now is the best time to pull off my surprise for her.
I take my phone from my pocket and quickly dial the number waiting for the person to pick up.
-HELLO?, EM? the person questions

Who do you guys think Emily is talking to? 🤔

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