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So today is the day. The last day that anyone can say happy PLL Day. I'm turning 20 next month and honestly I don't know what I would've done without this show during my middle school and high school years. I know I've said it a thousand times but I started watching this show when I was 12 years old. These five women have changed my life drastically.
Some people will say "it's just a show" but to me it's more than that.
Over the years I've literally created a bond with these characters and they've taught me so much.
Alison you taught me not to be afraid to ask for help if I really need it because even some of the strongest people need help sometimes. You've taught me not to be afraid to love just because I've been hurt before or even because I'm scared of being hurt.
Emily my sweet Emily, you taught me how to be myself and not to hide who I truly am. You showed me that I have to love myself and to be okay with who I really am because at the end of the day the only thing that really matters is that big beating muscle inside of my chest and I thank you so much for that.
Spencer you've taught me a lot lol literally. From your smart remarks to your intelligent ways, I always ended up with some sort of lesson at the end of the day. You've taught me that it's okay not to be perfect no matter how bad you want to be. It's okay to say " I don't know". It's okay not to know every single thing, life's not about competition.
Hanna Banana at the age of 12 I realized that I hated myself and my body. I thought I was fat and I would always sit back and wonder how come I couldn't be as thin as my friends. I also realized that I wasn't as smart as them either. Then you came along and you showed me that it doesn't matter how skinny you are or how smart you are, as long as I am beautiful on the inside I will always be beautiful on the outside as well.
Aria, the hopeless romantic. I've always admired your views on life. You taught me that no matter what it is in life to never give up on it if it makes me happy in the end. It doesn't matter what anyone has to say because as long as I'm genuinely happy and smiling it's all worth it.
I've fought with you girls, I've loved with you girls and I've even cried with you sometimes. You were the best friends that I wish I had by my side growing up.
You guys have created a huge impact on the world and I don't even think you know it.
You've made people from all over the world join together and fall in love with this show, and the PLL Fandom will always and forever be a family because of all of you.
Shay, Sasha, Ashley, Lucy, Troian , Janel, Tammin, and Vanessa we thank you from the bottom of our hearts because you lovely ladies brought these characters to life.
To the whole PLL Cast and Crew, without you and Sara Shepard this show wouldn't have even been created so we thank you for EVERYTHING.
Pretty Little Liars may be going off but it will forever be in our hearts.
We love you so so much, Thank You for Seven Years.
Kisses Bitches, We've come to the end of the line.
Happy PLL Day (one last time) 😘❤

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