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Alison's POV
These last past months has been crazy but amazing.
Emily and Spencer planned a small getaway for mine and Aria's birthdays.
Yeah, Aria's birthday is a month apart from mine but they still decided to plan something together.
Since it was our twenty second birthday they rented a yacht from the Hastings family and we stayed on it for two days.

(That's Naya Rivera, I couldn't find a photo of Shay on a yacht and I edited Hudson out lol 😂 sorry Hudson )Today is also gonna be crazy because it's Courtney's birthday and she's having a slumber party

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(That's Naya Rivera, I couldn't find a photo of Shay on a yacht and I edited Hudson out lol 😂 sorry Hudson )
Today is also gonna be crazy because it's Courtney's birthday and she's having a slumber party.
-LETS GET YOU READY I say to my now six year old daughter.
Times really speeding and I wish it would slow down but I know that it won't.
I get up from drying Courtney's hair and walk into the bathroom to grab a comb for her hair.
When I come back in the room Courtney is standing at the edge of her bed wrapped in towels with this cute mischievous grin on her face.

When I come back in the room Courtney is standing at the edge of her bed wrapped in towels with this cute mischievous grin on her face

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-DON'T YOU DARE I say pointing a finger at her knowing what she's going to do.
Ever since she was old enough to walk she would drop her towel after a bath and run around the house naked so I could chase her.
It's silly and adorable but we have no time for that tonight since there's four other little girls coming in thirty minutes.
-WHERE'S MOMMY? Courtney questions as I blow dry her hair.
-SHE WENT TO GET PIZZAS AND SNACKS I respond now turning the dryer off and pulling her nightgown over her head.
I finish getting her dressed and we head downstairs being met by Wayne and the twins.
-HI PAWPA Courtney says running over to him.
-HEY IT'S THE BIRTHDAY GIRL Wayne says lifting her into the air.
-DAD SHE'S GETTING BIG YOU COULD HURT YOURSELF I say giving him a pointed look.
-YOU SOUND LIKE EMMY AND PAM He says back through chuckles.
I laugh at myself knowing he's right.
I do sound like them.
Overprotective and worried all of the time.
-THE ROOM IS DONE HOW ABOUT WE GO SEE IT Wayne suggests, referring to Courtney's room.
She really wanted lights and stuff everywhere so Wayne promised to do it for her.
We walk upstairs right into Courtney's room to see what he did.

We walk upstairs right into Courtney's room to see what he did

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