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Alison's POV
Though mine and Emily's honeymoon is over I'm still glad we came.
Mexico is so beautiful and the resort was amazing.
Honestly if I had a choice I would never leave, but I also can't wait to get back home to Courtney.
After our flight we grab our bags and walk off of the plane.
-ERMM, EM? I THINK WE'RE AT THE WRONG AIRPORT I say looking around the unknown place.
Emily looks around and frowns.
-SHIT Emily quips. I THINK WE ARE she adds.
I give her a "are you kidding me" look before pulling out my phone to check for our location.
As I try to get signal on my phone a voice comes on the loud speaker.
-BONJOUR, BIENVENUE À PARIS the voice calls out.
My eyes grow wide as I slowly lift my head to look at my smiling wife.
-PARIS! WE'RE IN PARIS? I shout. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I excitedly exclaim while jumping up and down.
Emily laughs at my joy and kisses my forehead.
-I LOVE YOU TOO Emily says through little giggles.
I grab my bag and her hand trying to walk out of the airport.
I quickly give her a confused look.
Okay, what the hell is going on? I think to myself.
-WHY? I ask now furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.
Emily then looks to the escalator and smiles.
-THAT'S WHY she says grinning hard and pointing to the electronic stairs.
I put my bag down next to me and complete a full turn towards the steps.
-COURTNEY! I yell out now in tears.
I know we've only been gone for a week but I've missed my bean so much.
-MAMA! Courtney squeals running over to me.
As she runs towards me I kneel down and hold my arms out, waiting for her.
When she finally reaches me I scoop her up into a small bear hug and kiss her face.
-NO MAMA ME TISS YEW Courtney says before kissing my lips.
I laugh and then look up to see my mother.
-MOM, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? I shockingly ask.
I quickly hugged my mother before turning around to my wife.
-I KNOW Emily says smiling harder than before. YOU LOVE ME she says.
I nod my head and use my free arm to bring her in for a kiss by her neck.
Emily smiles into the kiss before breaking apart and hugging Courtney.
-HI MWOMMY Courtney smiles showing her pebble like teeth.
-HEY BUGGY Emily says scrunching up her nose before pretending to bite Courtney.
I let Emily take our daughter as I hug my mother.
My mom smiles wholeheartedly and swifts a strand of hair behind my ear.
-NO PROBLEM HONEY my mother says hugging me tightly.
After my mother left, Emily; Courtney and I went out to eat lunch in Paris before heading to our hotel.
Emily's POV
After visiting Disney World Paris first for Courtney's sake, we toured around the south of France and danced through sunflower fields like we planned when we were teenagers.
We dined at three of the 5 star restaurants there before visiting the Louvre.
Lastly we lounged around in our bikinis in the French Riviera momentarily before playing with in the water with Courtney.
It took up most of our day that we had planned but it was worth the while.
Courtney began to get tired so instead of visiting our last attraction we went back to the hotel.
-I'M GONNA GO SHOWER I say to Alison, removing my clothes and bra in front of her.
Alison begins to bite down on her bottom lip hard enough to draw blood and I already know what she's thinking.
I smile to myself once before slowly walking out of the room, making sure she could savor the image.
-OK, I'M GONNA GO PUT COURT DOWN FOR HER NAP BEFORE DINNER Alison says while grabbing Courtney's pajamas.
She and Courtney already got in the bathtub so now I have to get in alone.
After getting out of the shower and getting dried off I go back into the bedroom but Alison is nowhere to be found.
-ALI? I question as I dry my dripping hair draped over my shoulder.
I look in one of the beds and see Courtney fast asleep with her mouth slightly opened.
I chuckle at the toddler before bending down to kiss her crimson cheek.
-SWEET DREAMS BABY I whisper before getting up from the bed.
I close the curtains and walk over to our underwear drawer, picking out my white and black panties.
Before I could even grab a bra to put on I feel a familiar pair of arms wrap around my stomach.
-HI WIFE Alison whispers into my ear before nibbling on it.
I place my hands over top of hers and turn myself around to face her.
-HI MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE I say hugging her with my breasts smashed against her shirt.
Alison then removes my hands from her lower back and pushes me into the living room, up against the phone table.
-I MISSED YOU Alison says before lathering my mouth with hard, lust filled kisses.
I use both of my arms to lift myself onto the table before Alison takes both of my arms pressing them to the wall above my head.

I use both of my arms to lift myself onto the table before Alison takes both of my arms pressing them to the wall above my head

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-I WANT YOU NOW Alison breathes out, kissing me with one hand holding my arms while the other one lowers into my panties.
-IT'S ALL YOURS I mumble into the kiss.
With that Alison pulls off the only clothing I had on.
I quickly help her out of her clothes still not breaking the kiss.
After we're both fully naked I try to lower my hands down to Alison's core but she just grips my wrist tighter, taking full control.
Her fingers then gently rub up and down my now soaking wet slit as she breaks the kiss.
-LOOK AT ME Alison demands while massaging my clit.
I let out a small moan before opening my eyes to look directly into hers.
-TELL ME YOU LOVE ME Alison mutters.
I throw my head back in pleasure, hitting the wall before trying to make out the words.
I feel myself starting to come undone so I keep my mouth closed.
Alison then shoves two fingers in me without me knowing going at full speed.
-SAY IT she demands again. "I SAID LOOK AT ME."
I open my eyes to see that Alison's crystal blue eyes have turned into a dark shade of blue as lust fills them.
-MMMM I moan out quietly. I... I LO.. LOVE YOU I stutter as I begin to reach my peak.
Alison then attacks my neck, biting down on my pulse.
I let out a loud moan which is replaced by quiet ones as she licks and kisses the same spot she just bit.
-I'M SO CLOSE ALI I whimper closing my eyes again. LET ME TOUCH YOU I plead out.
Without opening my eyes I can tell that Alison is wearing her signature smirk as she watches me unfold in front of her.
Alison then takes my hand and meets it with her core.
As soon as she does that I can feel myself beginning to shake as my walls tighten around her fingers.
-I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I moan out as I come undone all over her fingers.
After seeing me reach my high Alison then does the same as I touch her.
-FUCKK...I LOVE YOU TOO Alison moans before kissing me.
I then stand up from the table with the help of my wife and walk into the bathroom to shower.
This has been the best honeymoon ever.
We get out from the shower after round two, get dressed and wake Courtney for dinner in the restaurant downstairs.
I love my life. I think to myself.

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