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Emily's POV
Now that Alison, Courtney and I have left Rosewood, we're back in Alison's apartment in Wellington Pennsylvania getting ready for the new semester.
As we unpack our bags Alison hands me a package she got from the mailbox.
-WHAT'S THIS? I question my fiancé as I search through the drawers for the box cutter.
-I DON'T KNOW IT SAYS EMILY NOT ALISON she says in a sarcastic way.
-HA! YOU'RE AN ASS YOU KNOW THAT? I exclaim while throwing a pillow at her.
Alison gently glides her hand across my lower back as she walks by me into the kitchen.
-YEAH BUT YOU LOVE THIS ASS Alison states not really noticing what she just said.
I smile to myself while walking over to her, wrapping my arms around her stomach from behind.
-I DO LOVE THAT ASS I whisper into her ear as she slices onions for the pasta.
Alison's eyes grow wide and her cheeks go all red.
-THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT Alison says now giggling and pushing me away.
I drop open my mouth and place a hand over my heart pretending I'm hurt.
Alison laughs at my actions.
-ITS FINE I'LL JUST GO WAKE COURTNEY FROM HER NAP I say backing away from the beautiful blonde. WE BOTH KNOW THAT IF SHE SLEEPS OVERTIME SHE'LL BE UP ALL NIGHT I add turning to walk into the room.
As I walk to go wake Courtney I hear Alison giggle and then I get an alert on my phone.
I look down at the picture on my phone and smile.
It's a picture of Alison and Courtney that pops up on the screen indicating that I have a message from Alison.

It's a picture of Alison and Courtney that pops up on the screen indicating that I have a message from Alison

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My Everything : I love you

I smile at the text and photo once more before waking the monster.
Courtney is finally up and running around after 4 hard minutes of trying to wake her up.
I head back over to the package sitting on the table to see what it is.
To my surprise when I open the box there is a bunch of Danby labeled objects with a note attached to it.
Emily Fields,
So happy to have you on our A-Team.
-I MADE THE TEAM! I scream jumping up and down with joy.
Alison walks out of the kitchen with a concerned look.
I show her the note and she repeats my actions.
-OH MY GOD YOU DID IT! She screams hugging me.
Courtney lifts her tiny hands and begins to clap without even knowing why she's clapping.
-YAY MOMMY YAY! the toddler screeches.
I turn to look at both of my girls with loving eyes.
How did I get so lucky?
-MARRY ME. NEXT MONTH I say catching Alison's attention.
-WHAT? Alison breaths out.
Alison stares into my eyes with glossy eyes and nods her head.
-OKAY LETS DO IT she says out of breath.
I smile and pull her into a bear hug.
Wow we're finally doing it.

Sorry for the short chapter. Just a quick update on how the two love birds are doing.
I'll update a long chapter within a couple of hours.
So what do you think? Are you guys ready for an Emison wedding?

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