Starting Over

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Camila's PoV

I felt warm breath on my nose and cheek and tried to open my tired eyes. I finally fought the heaviness of my eyelids and opened them, smiling at the sight before me. A small smile graced her lips as she breathed softly in her sleep. The light freckles that danced on her bronze skin, her long eyelashes unmoving as she slept soundly.

I glanced over at the clock beside my bed and rolled over slightly. 6:29am. The alarm was about to go off and when it did, the body next to me jumped slightly.

I turned back around and grinned. "Morning beautiful."

She grumbled and threw the pillow over her head. I laughed and pulled the pillow away from her, ruffling her hair. "Can we just skip today?"

"No," I laughed and sat up, stretching my aching muscles. "Come on, go get ready baby."

"But," her grey eyes blinked at me and her pout formed perfectly. God that girl was definitely my whole world, "Mom, please can I just not go to school today?"

"You will go to school," I ushered her out of my bed and she grumbled something about being an eleven year old with no fun.

"And why were you back in my bed?" I asked her in the bathroom as we stood in front of the mirror, brushing our teeth together.

A morning ritual.

"I watched a scary movie last night." Lucas frowned. "I needed to feel safe and you're always safe."

I grinned and we both rinsed our mouths out at the same time. Lucas spun around and let me brush her long blonde hair back in a neat ponytail. "I'm going to have to talk to the babysitter of yours about this," I said and swatted her butt, "now go get your school clothes on, I'll be downstairs making some breakfast."

I was downstairs when I heard the front door open and close. I knew who it was and smiled as her red hair flowed behind her. "Hey."

"Hey honey!" Ryn grinned and put her purse on top of the mantel. "You're up early."

"Yea," I rolled my eyes and put on a pot of coffee, "and so are you."

My best friend grinned and shrugged. "I thought maybe I could help you get Lucas ready for school and then go out for breakfast, but it looks like you're already making breakfast." She watched me crack an egg into the frying pan.

"You're more than welcome to stay." I softly smiled.

"Okay!" Ryn smiled and moved to wash her hands, helping me with getting some toast ready.

"Auntie Ryn!" Lucas giggled and gave the woman a hug.

"Squirt," the redhead grinned and tickled Lucas. "Oh, Mila?" She looked at me. "I don't think I can pick up Luc from school today."

"That's okay!" Lucas smiled and sat at the table with a sketch pad. Yea, she was that talented. "Mom said that she's going too."

"First hockey practice of the season." I grinned.

"Ouu, Coach Cabello, is it that time of the year already? Oh my God, I'm going to lose my two favourite girls in hockey again, aren't I?" Ryn gasped, tickling Lucas again, making her squeal with delight.

So much had happened in the past twelve years. I had gone off to hockey camp with Normani and focused mainly on the sport, trying my hardest to forget about Lauren and my broken heart. It didn't work though; I just grew cold when it came to love again.

After arriving back to Midtown, it was time to move into residency and I was more than ready to start the new school year off with playing hockey and majoring in Child Psychology. I could use any distraction that was thrown my way.

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