An Unexpected Decision

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Lauren's PoV

"I'm just saying you should really ask before making my office your designated make-out spot, Jai." I looked at her pointedly and notice the blush crawl up Eliza's neck.

"I'm sorry, I just figured it'd be safer in here than in a janitor's closet. I mean really, who thinks doing it in a closet is hot?" She rolled her blue eyes and snorted when I cleared my throat. "You and Mila we're pretty hot for each other back in high school, weren't you?"

"Jaiden!" Eliza snickered and slapped her girlfriend's leg. "We weren't doing it at all, Miss Jauregui, I swear. That'd be beyond weird on so many levels."

"Can we make this our spot?" Jaiden smiled innocently.

"No." I packed up my briefcase and grabbed my coat.

"But you just... but... so not fair!" The brunette teenager huffed and followed me out of the office. "It's after school hours, I don't get the big deal."

"The big deal is I don't want to walk in here and watch you and Liza go at it when I have work to do." I scolded lightly.

"You sound like my mom." Jaiden mocked and grabbed her backpack.

"Which one?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Which one what?"

"Which mom do I sound like?" I was slightly amused, not matter which answer she gave me.

"Chase." Jaiden rolled her eyes. "She's always on my case about things and Ephiny always tries to see things my way then they get in a fight and have make-up sex." She gagged on the ending of her sentence and it had Eliza and I cracking up. "I can't believe I just said that with a straight face."

"If you're a shining example of what Luc and Dyl will be like at your age, I can't say I'm too thrilled." I locked up the music room behind us and we escaped the school.

"What exactly are you trying to say?" She stopped and stared at me.

"That you're a hormonal crazed teenager and I'm not looking forward to the birds and the bees talk just yet." I unlocked the doors to the mustang and heard Jaiden belt out a laugh before running to catch up.

"Sorry Lauren, but Luc already knows about the birds and bees. She's really smart." Her blue eyes sparkled and climbed into the back of my vehicle with her girlfriend. "Try being raised with a pure mind with my parents, Camila and Normani running around. Not possible. And if you think about it, Lucas is the cool big sister; she'll explain it all to Dylan herself. You won't have to peep a single word."

Okay, so maybe I wasn't too worried about Lucas. She was a little lesbian like the rest of us but my little Dylan was otherwise. I couldn't think about it because she still had years before...

Yeah...I just wouldn't think about it.

We pulled up to Rapture and I found my family in our booth, like I did every Friday night.

"Hey there cutie," Jaiden slid in next to Lucas and popped a kiss on the top of her head, "did you score with Had yet?"

"Jaiden," Camila tilted her head and kicked the teen's shin under the table, "please don't talk like that."

"If you mean score by kissing, then yes." Lucas shot back with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

"What?!" Camila and I both looked in the smaller brunette's direction.

"Oh please," Lucas rolled her eyes, "it was bound to happen. Besides, she kissed me and it would've been rude to just stand there and do nothing."

"Oh God I don't wanna hear it!" Camila looked up at me pleadingly.

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