The Cabello Family Way

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Camila's PoV

"Is she nice?" Wind blew her soft curls around as we waited in the school yard for Lucas.

"Very." I smiled and took a sip of my coffee. I had allowed Dylan to shower quickly and gave her some of Lucas' old clothes to wear. She looked a little healthier with her hair shining in the sun and her face was rosier.

"What does she like to do?" Dylan asked, swinging her legs back and forth while we sat on the swings. She took a sip of her iced tea and smiled at me gratefully for the hundredth time that afternoon.

"Lucas loves to draw," I smiled as there were pictures everywhere in her room and on the fridge, "and she loves to play hockey."

"Hockey?" Dylan's eyes lit up and she jumped off her swing, looking at me with those huge brown eyes, "I love hockey!"

"You do?" I smirked and stood up as the school bell rang, indicating that school was now out for the day.

"I used to skate with my mommy all the time and she bought me a small net and stick. We'd watch hockey together almost all the time!" Dylan bounced up and down, holding her iced tea tightly against her chest.

"Well, then you and Luc will get along just fine." I smiled and wrapped my arm around her small shoulder.

"Mom!" Lucas came running up to us and stopped, tilting her head to the side while she looked over the smaller brunette. "Hi!" She smiled softly.

Dylan cleared her throat and shuffled closer to me. "Hi."

"Luc," I smiled and knelt down, "this is Dylan. She's going to be staying with us."

Lucas looked at me with some confusion before her eyes lit up. "Really?"

I nodded and smiled as Lucas grabbed Dylan's hand. "You are going to love living with us. My mom is pretty much cooler than all the other mom's here. She likes to watch movies with me and she even plays games. Oh and in the summer, we swim off our dock and she takes the boat out so we can go fishing, do you like to fish?"

I chuckled as I walked behind the two, holding hands. Dylan mentioned she never fished before and it made Lucas squeal; excited to show her new friend something different.

"So, who wants ice cream?" I smiled as we all settled into the Blazer.

"Me please!" Lucas smiled and I winked at her through the rear view mirror. "You want ice cream? We could go to Dairy Queen or go to Rapture. That's where my mom's best friends work. And my babysitter, she's awesome."

"We'll go to Rapture," I offered and started to make my way downtown.


Ephiny eyed me up suspiciously as she watched Lucas and Dylan read quietly in the corner. "How do you do it?" She whispered, wiping off a table. "Lucas is the most behaved little girl I know and then you go and get yourself another little girl who's just as polite?"

I smiled and shrugged, chewing on my toothpick. "Luck."

"Yea," she snorted and shook her head, "Jaiden was never that well behaved at that age."

"Oh come on," I chuckled, "Jaiden was the most well mannered ten year old when I moved back. You're just used to her rebellious teenage times now, that's all."

"Please knock some sense into that girl." Ephiny begged me.

"Hey," I held my hands up and smiled softly, "Jai takes really good care of Luc when she's watching her. Aside from the horror films she lets her watch," I chuckled, "but you've got nothing to worry about."

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