Coach Who?

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Lauren's PoV





I was feeling it all as I hopped into my classic new mustang, hitting the highway. "I've been waiting for this moment."

"We have one more case to go through," Chelsea Lewis smiled at me. She was my new case worker and was assigned to help me get Dylan back. "When we get to Kenora, you will be informed on more information of the young woman taking care of your daughter."

I nodded and gripped the steering wheel. "I'm so excited." I couldn't help it, I was on my way to see my daughter. I haven't seen her in long over a year and if I had one wish, it'd be to have her back in my life, safe and warm. It didn't even register in my head the destination she had just told me. "Wait, what?" I blinked. "Where did you say we're going?"

"Six hours West." Chelsea tilted her head and looked at me. "Looks like you've seen a ghost."

"Kenora?" I repeated and gripped the steering wheel in my hand. "Wow."

Memories of the place flooded through my head. Memories that I've thought about every single day.

"You okay Lauren?" Chelsea patted my shoulder and I nodded slowly. "Are you familiar with Kenora?"

Was I familiar with Kenora?

The greatest moment of my life happened there.


You would think it was thundering out with the sounds my heart was making by pounding hard against my chest, causing the blood to rush wildly in my ears.

Her chocolate eyes were heavy on me as her chest heaved with anticipation. I blindsided the poor girl with the question that I wanted to ask her and never really meant too, but it was there. It was out there and that was truly how I felt but I didn't want to scare her away.

She looked like she was about to cry and I couldn't tell if it was a bad thing or a good thing. I started to panic, thinking I probably just ruined the strong relationship we worked hard to create.

"I didn't mean," I sighed heavily and ducked my head a little bit, "like right now or anything. I mean, I want to marry you in the future of course. Not right now because we're young and we've got other things to think about and I really didn't mea-"

"Yes." Her voice was barely a whisper but I heard it loud and clear. My brown eyes snapped to her big chocolate shocked eyes and she licked her lips. She stared at me and I swallowed.

Oh right.

She was waiting for my reaction to her answer.

"Yes." Camila repeated a little louder but this time there was a blinding smile that spread across her face. My heart stopped.

I could see stars but took a deep breath.

Was I engaged?

Oh right.

She was still waiting for my reaction. "Camila," I breathed and was enveloped in her arms as her lips found mine.

Warm flesh moved slowly against my lips. Slow was the key word. She dragged her perfectly shaped lips against mine at a pace that was almost unmovable. "Yes." She repeated again and pressed her hand against my large hoodie, over my heart.

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