Lady Killer

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Jaiden's PoV

I ran down the hallways, pushing fellow students out of the way and wrenched open the door, trying to catch my breath.

The whole class turned to look at me, including Lauren, and I silently cussed before taking my seat, pulling out my music folder.

"You're twenty minutes late," Lauren addressed me quietly, "Jaiden, you really need to learn to respect me and this class."

I blinked and frowned. "I do respect you."

"Well showing up late for my class shows me otherwise." She tapped my music stand and stared at me briefly. "Join me in my office."

The class let out a loud 'oouu' sound and a few whispers could be heard. I kicked one of the guy's chairs that tried to grab Lauren's ass – she'd have to thank me later.

I walked by Eliza and she gave me a soft smile – oh how she melted me!

Lauren closed the door once I was inside and leaned against it, closing her eyes. "You really are leaving me no choice." She murmured before looking at me.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I need to call your parents to let them know that one more late and I have to give you an absent." She shrugged.

"Lauren!" I frowned.

"Miss Jauregui." She looked at me sternly. "Jaiden," she sighed, "I can be your friend outside of school. We can go out, share ice cream with Camila and the girls and I have absolutely no problem with you calling me Lauren then. But when we're on school grounds, you will really need to call me Miss Jauregui and as much as I hate it because it makes me sound old, that is the rule. You're having a hard enough time following them as it is."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I sat on her desk.

"It means that you're always late coming into my classroom. If you expect me to sit back and take it, you're wrong. You don't see the other students getting away with it and to be honest, I feel like you're taking advantage of me." Lauren looked a little hurt and she averted her eyes from me to open the door. "Now please, let's get this class started because they've been held up long enough."

"Miss Jauregui," I whispered, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," she brushed past me and gave me a small smile, "just please – I really don't want to get your parents involved."

I nodded and she walked back into the classroom and I stalked back to my seat.

Before I knew it, class was over and the students were rushing to get their lunches.

Lauren squeezed my shoulder on her way out and I slumped even further into my seat, kicking my music stand over.

I was only late because the car stalled half way to school.

Was I really taking advantage of Lauren's friendship?

"Penny for them?" Eliza sank into the seat beside me, holding out a Starburst. "I know how much you love the pink ones," she grinned.

"My thoughts aren't worth much," I shrugged but smiled, peeling the plastic wrap off the candy, "and thank you."

"Okay well," she stood up and threw her drumsticks into her bag, "I have something I want to show you."

"Me?" I asked and grabbed the offered hand she held out.

"Yea," she laughed and looked at me funny, "why do you look so shocked?"

Oh I don't know, hot lady taking me by the hand and being all seductive.

"I'm not." I frowned.

"You so are," she grinned and pulled me along with her outside the classroom and into the gym.

An empty gym.

"Lize..." I raised an eyebrow and she shot me a look that told me to shut up and let her finish showing me what she wanted.

"So in the beginning of class, Miss Jauregui mentioned that there'll be a New Years dance party here for students. She also mentioned that they were looking for a band to play the music and what better way for the student body to get involved than by getting together a band..." Her babble was adorable.

"You want to be in a band?" I asked, smiling lightly.

"And I want you in it." Eliza's cute freckled face beamed with a tinge of blush to it. "Please."

"Wait, what?" I backed up and looked at the huge stage in the huge gym. "You expect me to play in front of people?"

"You play hockey in front of people." She deadpanned and grabbed my hands, pulling them up to her chest and looking at me with her puppy dog eyes and her perfectly shaped lips-

"Okay." I whispered, my eyes still mapping out her beautifully sculpted face.

"Okay?" She stepped back slightly surprised but had a huge grin. "Okay?!"


Wait, did I just agree...

"You're the greatest ever, Jaid!" She threw her arms around me and I laughed at myself because I realized exactly two things that had just happened.

One – I had this girl wrapped around me and she smelled so good.

Two – I really didn't know what the hell I just got myself into.

Oh and three – I had this girl wrapped around me and she smelled so good.

"I aim to please." I stepped back with a grin and a shrug of my shoulders.

Eliza stared at me for a few seconds and smiled with me. "Thank you."

I nodded and picked up her books she had thrown across the floor in order to hug me and tucked them under my arm.

The things you do to impress a girl.

All I needed was a Lucas shaped Cabello to help me really brush up on my guitar skills.

She was a lady killer with the instrument.

Trust me, she even stole my heart a little when she played.

"Lunch?" I asked Eliza and she nodded, looping her arm through mine.

I, Jaiden Wynters, was definitely falling fast.

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