No Rest for the Insatiable

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Camila's PoV

You would think that I was used to starting my days extra early. During high school I had morning hockey practices and then did a full day of school afterwards. In college, I pretty much did the same thing only a lot stricter. After I blew my knee out, that ended my hockey career and early morning practices. However, I still had school and a three-year-old daughter to take care of. So early mornings were second nature to me. Even after I moved to Kenora and landed a job being Coach, I was still up at the ass crack of dawn for practices.

My life revolved around early mornings, practices, kids and hockey.

But that morning I wasn't ready to crawl out of bed. I didn't have kids to take care of because all three of them were in Midtown with their grandparents. Chase and Ephiny took Jaiden to check out York University and offered to accompany the kids.

Lauren was the first to say yes to that. It had been a few days since then and I literally could not move my body. It was physically spent from all the unthinkable and unimaginable things my fiancée had done to me. I had no clue my body could bend that way or that she could do that thing with her tongue.

"Lo, you fucking broke me you bitch." I mumbled with a slight groan.

"Shut up, you enjoyed every second of it." Lauren laughed as she sauntered out of the bathroom, naked and freshly showered. "You better get your sweet ass out of bed before I go for an encore."

"No!" I whined. "My body is bruised and broken."

"Oh stop being a baby." Lauren snickered and smacked my ass gently. "I've seen you take harder hits and body checks in your hockey career and you never once complained."

"But this is different. I didn't have my legs above my head for that long while I was being thoroughly fucked with a strap on." I sat up and stretched my aching muscles.

"Oh okay, I'll never thoroughly fuck you like that again." Lauren stopped looking for her clothes and turned around, staring at me with a challenged eyebrow.

"Hey now, no need to get hasty." I chuckled when she rolled her eyes at me. "Me being this sore and whiney is a compliment, my lady."

"Then suck it up, Barbie. Get your ass out of that bed, shower and help me load our luggage into the car so we can catch our flight in a few hours." Lauren jumped on the bed and straddled me, her lips sealed against mine in a soft yet passionate kiss. "I'm sorry if I was rough with you."

"You weren't." I whispered and trailed my hands down her bare back. "I'm just being a baby." I gave her a lopsided grin and wrapped my hand in her hair, kissing her with more pressure. "Pay back will be fun though." I nipped at her bottom lip and she gasped, her hands clutching at the sheets.

"Hey!" She shrieked when I flipped her over and kissing her deeply. I muffled her poor protests and finally she started kissing me back just as deeply.

We had a plane to catch and it took two hours to drive to the airport but if I could rock her world quickly, we'd have nothing to worry about.


Lauren's PoV

Her lips were everywhere and anywhere. My stomach tensed with anticipation when she slid down my body. Her lower lip grazing my skin while her chocolate eyes starting at me, daring me to protest one more time.

I couldn't.

Camila had that effect on me and I wouldn't want to change that for anything. I was putty in her hands and enjoyed every single second.

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