And She Was Spotted

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Camila's PoV

I blew the whistle to signal that practice was over.

The woman Jaiden was talking about quickly left the arena in a hurry and man she moved fast. I shook my head and followed the girls into the locker room.

"I still think you should've went after her, she was a total hottie!" Jaiden sang as she started to get out of her gear.

"Just go shower." I laughed and shook my head. Jaiden had to be the most entertaining teenager I've ever encountered.

"Coach Cabello," I snapped my head up to see Normani standing in the door way, "lookin' fine as always."

"God," I smirked and walked over to her, "you've really got to stop trying to get into my pants."

"Never." Normani winked and shrugged. "I was bored at your place so I decided to come see you."

"Where are the girls?" I asked. Normani was supposed to be taking care of them.

"With Ryn," she smiled, "she told me about Monday."

"Oh." I nodded and pushed her out of the locker room and into the hallway. "Yea, Ryn's supposed to be meeting Lauren on Monday."

Normani shook her head slowly, "man I'm so sorry dude."

"Every time I think about it, I want to throw up." I said honestly, leaning against the cool cement wall. "I'm dying to see her and ask her so many questions, but the reason's she's down here is just..."

"I know." Kordei patted my arm and sighed, leaning against the wall with me. "Sofi came back in town too."

"Great." I was unimpressed.

"You should just talk to her," Normani looked at me and raised an eyebrow, "she's your sister."

"Yea? She really proved that over the past twelve years hasn't she?" I snapped. "Get real Normani. Sofi knew this whole time about Dylan. She knew and never bothered to tell me."

"Does Lauren know about Lucas?"

Interesting question.

"I don't know." I frowned and bit my lip. "I mean, if her and Sofi are as close as everyone says they are, then I would have to think so."

"It's none of my business babe," Normani slapped my knee, "but it's not all on Sofi's shoulders. I think everyone has a little blame, you know?"

No, I didn't know.

What I did know was my sister held out on some very important information. She didn't have to tell me about Dylan at all. I was okay with that part. But the moment Dylan entered my home and became a part of my family, Sofi should've let me in.

It wouldn't have changed how I felt towards the small brunette. In fact, even knowing the information while I did, it made me love her more. Want to protect her more.

"And please tell me you're still not going to Aimee's after this?" Normani prayed softly.

"No." I frowned. I haven't seen Aimee in a couple of weeks and honestly, I didn't miss her. I felt bad though but she knew what we were getting into when we first started messing around. "I'm going to go home, curl up with the girls and watch a movie, eat junk food until we've passed out or feel sick."

Kordei smirked. "Sweet, I'd totally crash but I think you should use the time to maybe talk to Lucas about Monday?"

I nodded. "I know." I whispered. I had to tell Lucas about Dylan's mom returning. It wasn't going to be pretty. Lucas never got that attached to the previous children. I knew why Dylan was different, I knew the pull towards her because her mother was Lauren Jauregui.

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